RISS Discussion Paper Series

(Online) ISSN 2434-9445
(Print) ISSN 1884-9946

April 2024 to March 2025

No. Month of Publication Authors Title PDF
119 January Masaru Inaba, Kengo Nutahara, Daichi Shirai Sources of Inequality and Business Cycles:Evidence from the US and Japan
118 December Shinji Watanabe Roadmap Support Measures in DX Promotion
117 December Hironori Otsubo Bottleneck Congestion and Endogenously Determined Departure Times under Bounded Rationality
116 November Takeshi Nishimura, Nobuyuki Hanaki On the Performance of Crémer–McLean Auction: An Experiment
115 November Tetsuya Kawamura, Kazuhito Ogawa, Yusuke Osaki The differences in effects of social image by gender using risky dictator game experiments
114 October Yasuhiro Nakamoto and Tomoharu Mori The unskilled-and-unaware problem and performance feedback in monotonous, easily accustomed, and repetitive work

April 2023 to March 2024

No. Month of Publication Authors Title PDF
113 March Wataru Matsumoto Relation between Nonresponse Error and the Return Timing of Questionnaires:Unit Nonresponse and Item Nonresponse in the Takatsuki Citizen Mail Survey by Takatsuki City and Kansai University
112 March Satoshi Taguchi Voluntary vs. mandated sustainable disclosure: An experimental study on the real effects of disclosure that enhances future-oriented management and investor behavior
111 March Takahiro Miura Q&A: Upstream Indirect Reciprocity in a Large Online Community
110 February Shigeharu Okajima, Tsuyoshi Nihonsugi, Yukihiko Funaki, Hiroko Okajima Effects of detailed information and emotional appeals of videos on donor behavior
109 February Kenju Kamei Self-Regulatory Resources and Institutional Formation: An Experiment
108 April Noriko Nishimura Why Don`t Unmarried Male Search for A Marriage Partner?:Risk Aversion and Procrastination Behavior

April 2022 to March 2023

No. Month of Publication Authors Title PDF
107 March Takuya Satomura Simultaneous Segmentation Based on Media Choice Data: Extraction of Distinctive Viewing Behaviors Using Infinite Relational Model
106 March Youngrok Kim Willingness to pay taxes for welfare: Empirical evidence from South Korea
105 December Hirotsugu Kitada, Tomohisa Kitada, Asako Kimura The impact of personal traits on performance evaluation: Based on Sustainable Balanced Scorecard (preliminary study)
104 December Ryuichi Nakagawa Inflation targeting, expectations formation, and macroeconomic stability
103 September Takahiro Miura, Rei Goto, Kazuhito Ogawa, Naoki Watanabe A Survey on Doctors' Career in Japan Conducted in 2018:Summary of Questionnaire Responses
102 May Takeshi Nishimura An Experimental Study of Crémer–McLean Auctions
101 April Ken Ishibashi, Hitoshi Furuta, Yasutoshi Nomura, Koichiro Nakatsu, Kyosuke Takahashi Application of virtual reality technology to cultivation of skill for visual inspection of bridge

April 2021 to March 2022

No. Month of Publication Authors Title PDF
100 February Takuya Satomura, Masao Nakanishi, Takanobu Nakahara Measurement of the “Acceleration” of Epidemic Expansion By using the Infectious-Insulation Model and State-Space Model
99 February Naoki Watanabe A Mouse-Tracking Bandit Experiment on Meaningful Learning in Weighted Voting
*updated (1/16/2023)
98 December Hiromi Murakami and Ryo-Ichi Nagahisa On the resource allocation problems with interpersonal comparisons of welfare:Extended preference approach revisited
*updated (1/22/2024)
97 December Tetsuya Kawamura, Takahiro Miura, Misato Inaba & Kazuhito Ogawa Behavioral change and cognitive ability in repeated prisoner’s dilemma game experiments
96 November Toshihiko Nanba The Effect of Gaming in Sales Force Compensation
95 October Youngrok Kim Perception of income inequality and giving: Evidence from South Korea
94 October Kazuhito Ogawa,Yusuke Osaki,Tetsuya Kawamura,Hiromasa Takahashi,Satoshi Taguchi,Yoichiro Fujii,Naoki Watanabe Can Subjects Meaningfully Learn Actual Voting Powers?:Pattern Recognition and Feedback Information
*updated (1/16/2023)
93 May Tetsuya Kawamura,Yuhsuke Koyama,Tomoharu Mori,Taizo Motonishi,and Kazuhito Ogawa Loot box gambling and economic preferences: A survey analysis of Japanese children and adolescents

April 2020 to March 2021

No. Month of Publication Authors Title PDF
92 December Toshihiko Nanba The Weak Relationship Between Uncertainty and Incentives in Linear Contracts
91 December Hiromi Murakami, Ryo-Ichi Nagahisa The leximin foundation of the equal-income Walras rule
90 September Shigeo Morita, Tomoharu Mori A discount factor and the ratchet effect: An experiment
89 August Masaru Inaba, Kengo Nutahara, Daichi Shirai What drives fluctuations of labor wedge and business cycles? Evidence from Japan
88 July Satoshi Takahashi, Yoichi Izunaga, Naoki Watanabe An Experimental Study of VCG Mechanism for Multi-unit Auctions: Competing with Machine Bidders
*updated (10/22/2020)
87 June Masao Nakanishi Is the PCR Test a Panacea for COVID-19?
*updated (11/30/2020)
86 June Kazuhito Ogawa, Yusuke Osaki, Tetsuya Kawamura, Hiromasa Takahashi, Satoshi Taguchi, Yoichiro Fujii, Naoki Watanabe Conducting Economic Experiments at Multiple Sites: Subjects’ Cognitive Ability and Attribute Information
*updated (1/28/2023)
85 April Yasuhiro Nakamoto, Tomoharu Mori, Naoko Okuyama Ambiguity and loss aversion: The effect of the endowment and windfall losses on the willingness to pay for insurance

April 2019 to March 2020

No. Month of Publication Authors Title PDF
84 March Toshihiko TAKEMURA, Akemi KOYAMA, Ryuichi OGAWA Measuring the Impact of Security Incidents over IT Supply Chain on the Stock Price of Firms by Fama-French 3 Factors Model
83 March Kazuhito Ogawa, Yusuke Osaki, Tetsuya Kawamura, Hiromasa Takahashi, Satoshi Taguchi, Yoichiro Fujii, Naoki Watanabe Exploring the Possibility of Multi-Sited Economic Experiments: Subjects’ Cognitive Ability and Attribute Information
*updated (4/6/2020)
82 February Noriko Nishimura The Impact of Risk Aversion and Time Reference on the Increase of Unmarried Male and Male Late Marriages
81 January Takashi Kozu, Toshihiko Takemura, Koichi Takeda, Toru Suehiro Chorological Changes of Individual Investors’ Inflation Expectations and Their Distributions during the Abenomics Period in Japan
80 January Takashi Kozu, Toshihiko Takemura, Koichi Takeda, Toru Suehiro Analysis on Individual Inflation Expectations Distribution Extracted by Web-based Surveys: Comparisons between 2018 and 2019
79 November Bruce McGough, Ryuichi Nakagawa Stability of Sunspot Equilibria under Adaptive Learning with Imperfect Information
78 October Miyuri Shirai, Takuya Satomura Moderating and Mediating Influences on Unit Pricing Evaluation: Multiple Brand Size Cases
77 October Tetsuya Kawamura, Tomoharu Mori, Taizo Motonishi, and Kazuhito Ogawa Is Financial Literacy Dangerous? Financial Literacy, Behavioral Factors, and Financial Choices of Households
76 October Toshihiko TAKEMURA, Takashi KOZU, Koichi TAKEDA, Toru SUEHIRO Empirical Analysis on Control over Family Finances and Design of Living Based on Financial Literacy Survey 2016
75 October Ryo-Ichi Nagahisa The resource allocation problems with interpersonal comparisons of welfare: An axiomatization of the impartial Walras rule
74 September Mika Sasaki The Effects of Financial Competence and Personality on Fraud Risks and Vulnerability to Fraud
*updated (10/3/2019)
73 September Tetsuya KAWAMURA, Tsz Kwan TSE Experimental Evidence: Equilibrium Selection and Cognitive Ability in Infinitely Repeated Transboundary Public Goods Game
72 September Tetsuya KAWAMURA, Tsz Kwan TSE Experimental Evidence: Equilibrium Selection and Cognitive Ability in Infinitely Repeated Public Goods Game
71 August Yuichi Ishimura Economies of scale or scope? Cost saving with inter-municipal cooperation in waste disposal
70 May Kazuhito Ogawa, Tetsuya Kawamura, Yusuke Koyama, Taizo Motonishi, Tomoharu Mori How much do primary and secondary school students in Japan pay for online gaming? An analysis using classroom surveys

April 2018 to March 2019

No. Month of Publication Authors Title PDF
69 March Tanjim Hossain, Ryo Okui Belief Formation Under Signal Correlation
68 January Satoshi Takahashi, Yoichi Izunaga, Naoki Watanabe VCG Mechanism for Multi-unit Auctions and Appearance of Information: An Experiment
67 November Sanjee Udari Samaranayake, Toshihiko Takemura Role of Perceived Social Persuasion in Anticipated Multiple Role Balance: A Case of Sri Lankan Young Males and Females
66 November Toru SUEHIRO, Koichi TAKEDA, Takashi KOZU, Toshihiko TAKEMURA Influence of the Consideration of Future Consequences on Financial Behavior: The Case of Japanese Individual Investors
65 October Katsuhiko Nishizaki Strategy-Proof Mechanism Design with Boundedly Rational Agents
64 September Ryo-Ichi Nagahisa & Koichi Suga Arrovian Social Choice with Non -Welfare Attributes
63 June Tetsuya Kawamura & Kazuhito Ogawa The effect of cognitive ability and ageing on sender behavior in dictator and ultimatum game experiments
62 June Naoki Watanabe Supplementary Results for "Meaningful Learning in Weighted Voting Games: An Experiment"
*updated (11/16/2021)
61 June Toshiyuki Hirai, Naoki Watanabe, Shigeo Muto Farsighted Stability in a Patent Licensing Game: An Abstract Game Approach
60 May Noriaki Matsushima, Tomomichi Mizuno, Cong Pan A manufacturer’s incentive to open its direct channel and its impact on welfare
59 May Kazuhito Ogawa, Tetsuya Kawamura, Keiichiro Matsushita The Higher the Cognitive ability of, and/or the Younger, the Dictator, the More the Self-interestedness: Experimental Evidence
58 May Xi Zhong, Ken Ishibashi, Katsutoshi Yada An Empirical Study of the Relationship among Self-Control, Price Promotions and Consumer Purchase Behavior
57 May Bo Wu, Yi Sun, Katsutoshi Yada The Short-term Impact of an Item-based Loyalty Program

April 2017 to March 2018

No. Month of Publication Authors Title PDF
56 January Katsuhiko Nishizaki Secure Implementability under Pareto-Efficient Rules in Linear Production Economies with Classical Preferences
55 January Yanchun Jin and Ryo Okui Testing for Overconfidence Statistically: A Moment Inequality Approach
54 January Masako Oyama, Fumio Ohtake Area income distribution and self-rated health in Japan
53 December Masako Oyama, Fumio Ohtake Area income distribution and health in Japan
52 November Katsutoshi Yada, Kei Miyazaki, Keiji Takai, Kohei Ichikawa A Framework of ASP for shopping path analysis
51 November Desmond (Ho-Fu) Lo, Zhen (Richard) Tang, Mrinal Ghosh, Arti Gandhi Delegation, Centralization, and Productivity in Industrial Salesforces
50 November Satoshi Takahashi, Yoichi Izunaga, Naoki Watanabe An Approximation Algorithm for Multi-unit Auctions: Numerical and Subject Experiments
49 August Koichi TAKEDA, Toru SUEHIRO, Toshihiko TAKEMURA, Takashi KOZU Consideration and Future Works on Decision-Making Characteristics of Individual Investors
48 July Toyoyuki Kamo, Ryo-Ichi Nagahisa Acyclic Rational Choice with Indifference-Transitivity
47 July Tomo Nishimura Risk as Feelings and Confidence in National Pension System
46 June Taizo Motonishi The Effects of the Great East Japan Earthquake on Investors' Risk and Time Preferences
45 April Takashi KOZU, Toshihiko TAKEMURA, Koichi TAKEDA, Toru SUEHIRO Chronological Changes of Individual Investors’ Inflation Expectations Distribution under Abenomics Captured through Web-based Surveys

April 2016 to March 2017

No. Month of Publication Authors Title PDF
44 November Toshihiko TAKEMURA, Daisuke NOGATA An Empirical Analysis on Individual Investors’ Timing of Liquidation at a Loss: A look at Individual Investors’ Irrational Behavior
43 August Daisuke NOGATA, Toshihiko TAKEMURA Empirical Analysis on Individual Investors’ Ratio of Risk Assets, Using a Behavioral Finance Approach
42 April Takashi Kozu, Toshihiko Takemura, Koichi Takeda Chronological Changes of Inflation Expectations of Individual Investors Captured through Web-based Surveys
41 April Tetsuya Kawamura and Kazuhito Ogawa Cognitive ability and human behavior in experimental ultimatum games
40 April Tomoharu Mori and Kazuhito Ogawa The Effect of Age, Gender, and Earned Income in the Trust Game: A Laboratory Experiment in Japan
39 April Taizo Motonishi An Overview of the Survey Results on Negative Interest Rates: Decision-Making Survey 3

April 2015 to March 2016

No. Month of Publication Authors Title PDF
38 March Katsuhiko Nishizaki Securely Implementable Social Choice Functions in Divisible and Non-Excludable Public Good Economies with Quasi-Linear Utility Functions

April 2014 to March 2015

No. Month of Publication Authors Title PDF
37 March Noriko NISHIMURA, Keiichiro MATSUSHITA, and Masatoshi MURAKAMI Risk Aversion, Time Preference and Cognitive Ability in Asset Choice Based on Survey of Attitudes in Japanese Decision-Makeing, 2014
36 August Toshihiko Takemura, Takashi Kozu, Koichi Takeda A Logit Analysis on Individual Investors' Stock Investment Decisions with Risk: Results from the Web-based Survey
35 July Noriko Nishimura A Study on Cognitive Abilities in Economic Decision-Making Based on the Survey of Attitudes towards the Japanese Public Pension System, 2012

April 2013 to March 2014

No. Month of Publication Authors Title PDF
34 March Kenichi Tamegawa, Yasuharu Ukai, Ryokichi Chida Macroeconomic Contribution of the Cloud Computing System
33 January Yasuharu Ukai and Shintaro Inagaki Statistical Analysys of the Cloud Computing System and Financial Data at Japanese Enterprises
32 January Takashi Kozu, Toshihiko Takemura, Koichi Takeda Expectations on Future Price-Level Changes Extracted by Web-Based Surveys for Individual Investors Ⅱ - Changes before and after the Second Abe Administration -

April 2012 to March 2013

No. Month of Publication Authors Title PDF
31 February Takashi Kozu, Toshihiko Takemura, Koichi Takeda Expectations on the General Price Level Chanages Extracted by a Web-based Survey
30 October Shinji Watanabe, Yasuharu Ukai Statistical Report on Cloud Computing in Japanese Enterprises
29 September Tetsuro Kobayashi, Toshihiko Takemura, Takahisa Suzuki Perceived Incentive Structures of Games in the Payment of National Pension Premiums: An Exploratory Analysis Using Two-Wave Panel Data
28 August Toshihiko Takemura, Takashi Kozu, Koichi Takeda Statistical Analysis of Deposit-withdrawal Behavior Using Microdata from Survey of Financial Behavior IV
27 August John Laitner and Keiichiro Matsusita Technological Progress and the Wage Growth of Older Japanese Workers
26 July Hiroshi Arikawa, Yang Cao, Shigeru Matsumoto Japanese Acceptance of Nuclear and Radiation Technologies after the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Disaster
25 July Soichiro Tanaka,Masato Shikata Micro-simulation of Tax and Social Insurance Premium
24 June Masato Shikata Statistical Analysis of Disease and Injury Rates at Nursery Facilities and in Family Childcare
23 May Masato MIYAZAKI Shifting the Operations of the National Health Insurance System from Municipality to Prefecture: Analysis of Prefecture "A"

April 2011 to March 2012

No. Month of Publication Authors Title PDF
22 March Masato Shikata Change of Family and Work and Income Inequality in Japan
21 March Koichi Takeda, Toshihiko Takemura, Takashi Kozu Financial Literacy and Individual Investor Behavior:Survey Evidence in Japanese Stock Market
20 March Yukako Masuya, Yuki Nishida, Masatoshi Murakami, Toshihiko Takemura Does Intertemporal Change of the Degree of Risk Aversion Exist? Evidence Using RISS Survey of Financial Behavior
19 March Yuki NISHIDA, Yukako MASUYA, Toshihiko TAKEMURA, Masatoshi MURAKAMI An Intertemporal Comparison in Absolute Risk Aversion Using Survey of the Japanese National Pension System
18 March Masatoshi MURAKAMI A Study on the Differences between People Who Pay Pension Premium and Those Who Do Not -Financial Literacy, Fear for Life after Retirement and Premium Payments -
17 February Takashi Kozu, Toshihiko Takemura, Koichi Takeda An Attribute Analysis of Internet Survey on Individual Investors’ Stock Investment Decisions
16 January Shinji WATANABE, Yasuharu UKAI Statistical Analysis of Corporate Governance Effects on the Depositors’ Bank Selection Behavior
15 December Masatoshi MURAKAMI, Keiichiro MATSUSHITA The Differences among Individuals in Absolute and Relative Risk Aversion
14 December Yasuharu UKAI Regression Analysis of ICT and Individual Income Levels
13 December Toshihiko TAKEMURA, Koichi TAKEDA, Takashi KOZU The Deposit-withdrawing Behavior Approaching from Structural Equation Modeling
12 December Y. CAO, S. MATSUMOTO, T. MURATA Factors Promoting Childbearing among Married Women: On the Prioritization of Socio-economic and Psychological Factors
11 July Masatoshi MURAKAMI, Keiichiro MATSUSHITA A Study on the Differences among Individuals in Absolute Risk Aversion using Survey of Attitudes towards the Japanese Public Pension System

April 2010 to March 2011

No. Month of Publication Authors Title PDF
10 March Toshihiko TAKEMURA, Takashi KOZU, Koichi TAKEDA Exploring Factors Exert Influence on Deposit-withdrawal Behavior
9 March Daisuke YAMAKATA The Attitude Survey of Medical Information Sharing for General Citizen
8 March Yasuharu UKAI Does Information and Communication Technology affect a Shift of Labor’s Utility Function?
7 March Kazunori MINETAKI, Daisuke YAMAKATA Empirical Study of Effects of PHR (Personal Health Record) in Japan
6 February Soichiro TANAKA, Masato SHIKATA, Yui OHTSU Analyses of Non-payment and Willingness-to-Pay for National Health Insurance Premium
5 February Toshihiko TAKEMURA,Takashi KOZU, Tetsuro KOBAYASHI Modeling Deposit-withdrawal Behavior from the Perspective of Risk Tolerance
4 January Masatoshi MURAKAMI, Masato SHIKATA, Kohei KOMAMURA, Seiichi INAGAKI Do Acquirement of Accurate Knowledge Related to Japanese Public Pension System Increase Confidence in It?
3 December Kazunori Minetaki, Yuji Akematsu, Masatsugu Tsuji Empirical Study of Medical Safety andCommunication among Medical Staffs
2 December Tetsuro KOBAYASHI, Toshihiko TAKEMURA Effects of Perceived Interdependence among the Insured on Payment of National Pension Premium in Japan: Empirical Study from the Perspective of a Coordination Game
1 June Masato MIYAZAKI A Simulation Analysis on the Effects of Transferring Consumption Tax Bases to Local Government Finance

RCSS Discussion Paper Series

No. Month of Publication Authors Title PDF
Vol.105 March, 2010 Masato Shikata, Masatoshi Murakami, Kohei Komamura, Seiichi Inagaki A Statistical Analysis of People's Decision-Making for the Absence of Contribution Payment, the Exemption of the Contribution, the Contribution Postponement and the Repayment of the Past Exempted-Contribution in Japanese National Pension
Vol.104 March, 2010 Toshihiko Takemura Are There Awareness Gaps on Effects of Information Security Measure between Managers and Employees? Analysis Using Web-based Survey Data
Vol.103 March, 2010 Toshihiko Takemura, Takashi Kozu, Tetsuro Kobayashi A Statistical Analysis on Deposit-Withdrawal Behavior under Unstable Financial Environment
Vol.102 March, 2010 Masatoshi Murakami and Masato Shikata A Statistical Analysis of the Differences between People Who Pay Pension Premium and Those Who Do Not Using RISS / RCSS Microdata
Vol.101 March, 2010 Naoki Watanabel and Hideaki Sakawa Auditor committee formation and corporate governance mechanisms: Evidence from Japan
Vol.100 March, 2010 Masatora Daito and Noriyuki Tanida The Influence of Mental Factors on Fire Evacuation Behavior and the Effect of Introducing RFID and Cellular Phone
Vol.99 Feb, 2010 Yasuharu Ukai and Hiromu Takeuchi Statistical Effect to Labors' Utility Functions By Merit Based Wage System Based on Micro-data
Vol.98 Feb, 2010 Masatoshi Murakami A Statistical Comparative Study of the Working Poor in Japan and Canada using Microdata
Vol.97 Feb, 2010 Takahiro Hoshino Adjustment of selection bias in Web survey data
- application to a survey of behavioral economics -
Vol.96 Feb, 2010 Toru Muneoka Issues of public sector accounting for the Policy-Makings - from the public sector accounting for public pension
Vol.95 Feb, 2010 Miki Yamamoto and Yasuharu Ukai Technical and Economics Examination on Network Neutrality
Vol.94 Feb, 2010 Hiroyuki Ebara, Yunosuke Hasegawa, Yuya Tanaka New Algorithm for a Combination optimization on a PC Cluster: Application of Prallel Tabu search for Travelling Salesperson Problem
Vol.93 Feb, 2010 Toshihiko Takemura and Takashi Kozu A Micro Data Analysis on Individual’s Deposit-Withdrawal Behavior Proposal of Micro Financial Policy Tool
Vol.92 Feb, 2010 Susumu Date, Kohei Ichikawa, Yasuyuki Kusumoto A View of Cloud Computing Technology in Social Scientific Application
Vol.91 Jan, 2010 Kohei Ichikawa, Toshihiko Takemura, Masatoshi Murakami, Kazunori Minetaki, Taiyo Maeda Social Network Rebuilder: A Tool to Estimate Social Network Toward Bank Run Simulation
Vol.90 Dec, 2009 Shinzaburo Nagata, Toshihiko Takemura, Yasuharu Ukai Limit and Possibility of Legal Regulation to Exclude Spam E-mails
Vol.89 Dec, 2009 Hiroyuki Ebara, Junji Umemoto, Hiroaki Morikawa Conception of Distributed PC Grid System on the Internet
Vol.88 Sep, 2009 Kazunori Minetaki New Communication Tool and Business Behavior
Vol.87 Sep, 2009 Takeshi Nakazawa and Kazunori Minetaki Empirical Study of the Location in Information Service Industries using GIS: A Case Study on Tokyo Metropolitan Area
Vol.86 Jul, 2009 Toshihiko Takemura An Economic Approach to Issues on the Information Security
Vol.85 May, 2009 Toshihiko Takemura, Kazunori Minetaki, Takuro Imagawa A Research on Worker's Awareness to Information Security
Vol.84 May, 2009 Hisao Nagaoka and Toshihiko Takemura Essential Countermeasures for Bank Runs: Lesson from Case Studies in Japan
Vol.83 April, 2009 Seiichi INAGAKI Effect of Proposals for Pension Reform on the Income Distribution of the Elderly in Japan
Vol.82 March, 2009 Masato Shikata, Kohei Komamura, Seiichi Inagaki and Tetsuro Kobayashi The Statistical Analysis of the Effects of Notice of Correct Amount of Premiums of the National Pension Plan (Kokumin Nenkin)
Vol.81 March, 2009 Toshihiko Takemura and Takashi Kozu Statistical analysis on individual deposit-withdrawal behaviors: An empirical analysis using individual data collected through a Web-based survey
Vol.80 February, 2009 Kazunori Minetaki and Toshihiko Takemura An Empirical Analysis on Effects of Internal Information Circulation in Organization by Introducing Information and Communication Technologies
Vol.79 February, 2009 Hiroyuki Ebara and Hiroaki Morikawa Development of PC Grid with Virtual Machine
Vol.78 December, 2008 Yasuharu Ukai and Masatoshi Murakami Summary and Explorative Analysis of RISS Microdata: Behavior of Category I Insured in National Pension Plan
Vol.77 December, 2008 Katsutoshi Yada, Takashi Washio and Yasuharu Ukai Modeling Deposit Outflow in Financial Crises: Application to Branch Management and Customer Relationship Management
Vol.76 November, 2008 Kazunori Minetaki and Takeshi Nakazawa Substitutability of IT Capital and Heterogeneously-educated Workers in Japan
Vol.75 November, 2008 Toshihiko Takemura, Makoto Osajima and Masatoshi Kawano Empirical Analysis on Information Security Countermeasures of Japanese Internet Service Providers
Vol.74 October, 2008 Masatora Daito and Noriyuki Tanida A Fire Evacuation Model of Using Active RFID in Underground Shopping Mall
Vol.73 October, 2008 Hisao Nagaoka and Toshihiko Takemura Case Studies of Bank Run in Financial Institutions : Suggestion from Viewpoint of Risk Management
Vol.72 October, 2008 Takenori Takase Lifetime Analysis of Japanese Software House
Vol.71 October, 2008 Ryuichi Nakagawa Herd Behavior by Japanese Banks in Local Financial Markets
Vol.70 September, 2008 Kazunori Minetaki Analysis of Productivity in Japanese Information Service Industries
Vol.69 August, 2008 Ryuichi Nakagawa and Hirofumi Uchida Herd Behavior by Japanese Banks after Financial Deregulation in the 1980s
Vol.68 July, 2008 Shinji Watanabe Influence of computerization in life insurance industry on employment
Vol.67 June, 2008 Toshihiko Takemura and Hiroyuki Ebara Economic Loss Caused by Spam Mail in Japanese Industries
Vol.66 June, 2008 Toshihiko Takemura and Hisao Nagaoka Cogitation on Making Business Continuity Plan in the Financial Institutions-
Vol.65 May, 2008 Hisao Nagaoka Developing Process of ATM Strategies and the Consideration
Vol.64 May, 2008 Kazunori Minetaki Knowledge Management by Blog/SNS and Innovation
Vol.63 April, 2008 Masatora Daito, Masatoshi Murakami and Noriyuki Tanida Customer's Buying Behavior and Information Behavior in the Web Site
Vol.62 April, 2008 Masatoshi MURAKAMI and Noriyuki TANIDA A Note on the Process of Forming Public Opinion and its Effect on Japanese Public Pension System
Vol.61 March, 2008 Shinji Watanabe Eciency Analyses on Life Insurance Companies in the third generation online
Vol.60 March, 2008 Shinji Watanabe The effects of organization and informationization on the nancial specialist
Vol.59 January, 2008 Masatoshi MURAKAMI and Noriyuki TANIDA An Agent Based Modeling for the Formation of Public Opinion and its Effect on Japanese Public Pension System
Vol.58 December, 2007 Toshihiko Takemura, Akira Era, Shota Moriwaki and Makoto Osajima Productivity and Efficiency Analysis in Japanese Information and Communication Industry -Stochastic Frontier Analysis Using Firm’s Quarter-Financial Data-
Vol.57 November, 2007 Toshihiko Takemura and Hisao Nagaoka Suggesting a Business Continuity Plan to Heighten Enterprise Value-
Vol.56 October, 2007 Toshihiko Takemura The Topics on Information Security Countermeasure of Internet Service Providers
Vol.55 August, 2007 Toshihiko Takemura and Akira Era Productivity Analysis of Information and Communication Technology in Japan
Vol.54 July, 2007 Masashi Ueda and Takeshi Nakazawa A Competition Review of FTTH Market -A Case Stydy in Kansai Area
Vol.53 June, 2007 Toshihiko Takemura Economic Analysis of Delivery Channel Strategies in Japanese Banking Industry
Vol.52 May, 2007 Toshihiko Takemura Investment on Information System Affects Market Value in the Banking
Vol.51 April, 2007 Masatora Daito and Noriyuki Tanida How can RFID Contribute to Disaster Rescue? - Agent-Based Simulation Approach in Active RFID Dispersal -
Vol.50 February, 2007 Yasuharu Ukai Operating Schedule of Socionetwork Strategies
Vol.49 February, 2007 Toshihiko Takemura Economic Analysis of Information Security Investment
Vol.48 January, 2007 Naoki Takano, Toshihiko Takemura and Yasuharu Ukai Statistical Analysis of Mobile Banking in Japan
Vol.47 September, 2006 Toru Muneoka
Vol.46 September, 2006 Akiko Watanabe Architectural Aspects with information Technology
Vol.45 September, 2006 Takashi Kobayashi On the Building Methods of e-Local Government and Grid Computing
Vol.44 September, 2006 Yasuharu Ukai Does Computer Help Democracy?
Vol.43 July, 2006 Shinji Shimojo and Susumu Date Survey of BioGrid Project
Vol.42 July, 2006 Hiroyuki Ebara, Akiko Nakaniwa, Toshihiko Takemura and Muneki Yokomi Empirical Analysis of Internet Service Provider and Its Policy Implications
Vol.41 July, 2006 Yuji Matsuyama, Setsuko Fujita, Yoneo Ishii, Yukio Adachi, and Yasuharu Ukai Electronic Journals for Original Arts and Science
Vol.40 June, 2006 Toshihiko Takemura Suggestions for Information Security Policy on Information and Communication Infrastructure - Discussion from Analysis Using Questionnaire Data
Vol.39 June, 2006 Masatoshi Murakami and Noriyuki Tanida Revisiting to Agent Based Modelling for Unpayment Behaviour on Japanese Public Pension System
Vol.38 April, 2006 Masatora Daito, Masatoshi Murakami, and Noriyuki Tanida How can IC tags contribute to Disaster Prevention Policy ?
Vol.37 March, 2006 Takeshi Nakazawa and Satohide Mizutani The Micro Data Analysis of Fishing Method in Seto Inland Sea : A Case of Sea Cucumber Fishery at Ukashima Island
Vol.36 March, 2006 Muneki Yokomi Qualitative Analysis of Regional Tourism Policy by Using ICT : Case of World heritages in Japan
Vol.35 January, 2006 Toshihiko Takemura The Productivity of Information System Asset in the Banking: The Panel Data Analysis by Using Financial Reports
Vol.34 December, 2005 Hisao Nagaoka Restructing of Personnel Training and Internal Organization to Strengthen Banking System Audit
Vol.33 November, 2005 Hiroyuki Ebara, Yasuharu Ukai, and Toshihiko Takemura Estimated Economic Losses by spam Mails
Vol.32 November, 2005 Satohide Mizutani Computational Models for Changes of Sentiments in Complete Connections Based on Heider's Balance Theory
Vol.31 October, 2005 Toshihiko Takemura IT-Related Investment, Productivity and Efficiency in the Japanese Information and Communicatoion Industry: Using Stochastic Frontier Approach for Panel Data
Vol.30 February, 2005 Tadahiko Murata, Hiroko Kitano, Yasuharu Ukai, Hiromichi Kohashi, Ryota Natori, and Susumu Date
Vol.29 February, 2005 Satohide Mizutani and Kenji Shiba A Preliminary Study of Evaluations towards Telling Lies in a Relation between Two Persons
Vol.28 February, 2005 Noriyuki Tanida, and Masatoshi Murakami A Study of Japanese Public Pension System Using Multi Agent Based Simulation
Vol.27 February, 2005 Yutaro Murakami and Toshihiko Takemura Optimum Investment of the Software Capital in the Banking Industry: The Panel Data Analysis by Using the Nikkei NEEDS Bank Financial Data
Vol.26 January, 2005 Kazuyuki Suda, Katsutoshi Yada, and Kenji Shiba Making an Earnings Prediction Model to Gain Excess Returns: The Test of the Efficient Market Hypothesis
Vol.25 October, 2004 Hisao Nagaoka, Takashi Masumoto, and Masashi Ueda Some Issues of Management for Property Rights -Management for Information, Contents, and Open Source Software
Vol.24 October, 2004 Daisuke Banjo, Takanobu Muraguchi, Hiroyuki Tamura, Tadahiko Murata, and Yasuharu Ukai Simulation of Payment Action for National Pension -Insured's Behavior Model with Demographic Change-
Vol.23 September, 2004 Akiko Nakaniwa, Hiromichi Kobashi, and Yasuharu Ukai Policy Grid Experiment Using Grid Middleware CyberGRIP in Internet Service Provider Networks
Vol.22 September, 2004 Muneki Yokomi, Hiroyuki Ebara, Akiko Nakaniwa, Toshihiko Takemura, and Yasuharu Ukai Evaluation of Technical Efficiencies for IT Industries in Japan : Current Issues and Future Prospects for Internet Service Providers
Vol.21 September, 2004 Mami Kuroda, Katsutoshi Yada, Hiroshi Motoda, and Takashi Washio Knowledge Discovery from Consumer Behavior in an Alcohol Market by Using Graph Mining Technique: An Example of Using an Active Mining Process for a Typical Business Application
Vol.20 September, 2004 Akihiko Shinozaki Aggregate Productivity Growth and the Contribution of Japan's ICT Assets: Isn't It Anther Puzzule?
Vol.19 September, 2004 Shinzaburo Nagata Deployment of electronic commerce, and a legislation policy of Japany
Vol.18 August, 2004 Hisao Nagaoka Strategy of Information System for Japanese Banking Industry
Vol.17 October, 2004 Tadahiko Murata, Hiroko Kitano, Yoshimasa Kadooka and Yasuharu Ukai Political Multi-Agent Simulation with Grid Computing
Vol.16 April, 2004 Yukihiro Furuse Conviviality and Security: The Dilemma of ICT Tools
Vol.15 December, 2003 Yasuharu Ukai The Effects of Information System Investment in Banking Industry
Vol.14 November, 2003 Yasuharu Ukai, Naohiko Tatsumi, and Takashi Masumoto The Problems of Current Patent Act over Business Plan Patent
Vol.13 November, 2003 Kenji Shiba The Transition of Company Mind toward Accounting Information and Disclosure
Vol.12 October, 2003 Akihiko Shinozaki Innovation vs. Learning by Doing: Implications of Japan's "Lost Decade" in the Information Age
Vol.11 September, 2003 Toshihiko Takemura Information System Investment, Productivity and Efficiency in Japanese Banking Industry: Evidence at Firm-Level Using a Stochastic Frontier Approach
Vol.10 August, 2003 Motohiko Ohnishi and Hisao Nagaoka System Audit of Financing Industry in Japan: Actual Situation and the Task
Vol.9 July, 2003 Fumiko Takeda and Koichi Takeda  Public Information, Private Information, and the Price of Debt in a Creditor Coordination Game with Large and Small Creditors
Vol.8 July, 2003 Katsutoshi Yada Why Does the Data Mining Project Fail? - Data Mining Lessons Learned from the Cases in the Business Field -
Vol.7 March, 2003 Akiko Watanabe and Shiki Kurabe A Study of Charter School Environments in U.S.A. - Effects of Management, Curriculums and Relations with Other Organizations on school Environment -
Vol.6 March, 2003 Akihiko Shinozaki Information Technology Revolution and Change of Japanese System: Analysis of 1990's Law of Commerce Revision by Using Transaction Cost Approach
Vol.5 March, 2003 Kazuyuki Suda and Akinobu Shuto Earnings Management to Avoid Earnings Decreases and Losses: Empirical Evidence from Japan
Vol.4 March, 2003 Kenji Shiba "Accounting Big Bang" and Corporate Behavior in Japan
Vol.3 February, 2003 Kenji Shiba and M. Shiba (Translation into Japanese) Spainish PLAN GENERAL DE CONTABILIDAD (1990) - Normal Account System and Financial Statements -
Vol.2 December, 2002 Akira Sadahiro and Satoshi Shimazawa The Effect of ICT for Productivity of Japan Economy - Analysis by Panel Data According to the Metropolice and Districts -
Vol.1 August, 2002 Yasuharu Ukai (ed.) , Shinji Watanabe, Hisao Nagaoka, and Toshihiko Takemura The Economic Analysis of Information System Investment in Japanese Banking Industry