【学生およびご父母・保護者の皆様へ】 新型コロナウイルス感染症に係る修学支援について(お知らせ)(日本語/English)


学校法人  関西大学


1  インターネット環境整備への支援
  ・さらに、学生に対する双方向・リアルタイム型授業を効果的に実施するためにZOOM Education Siteライセンスを法人契約して、教員全員にアカウントの配布をしております。

2  一人暮らしの学生(下宿生・寮生、外国人留学生・留学生別科生)への一律金の支給

3  「関西大学家計急変者給付奨学金」制度の拡充(※外国人留学生・留学生別科生を除く)

4  「関西大学短期貸付金」の増額(※留学生別科生を除く)
  ・現行の原則3万円を10万円に増額しています。詳しくは下記の 「Q&A」をご覧ください。

5  学費の延納・分納制度の、納入期日等の延長
    詳しくは下記の 「Q&A」をご覧ください。

1  高等教育の修学支援新制度(大学授業料減免及び日本学生支援機構給付奨学金)
  ・本年4月から国により導入された制度で、このたびの新型コロナウイルス感染症の影響により家計が急変した場合も適用されます。詳しくは下記の 「Q&A」をご覧ください。

2  日本学生支援機構による貸与奨学金(無利子・有利子)
  ・貸与奨学金(無利子・有利子)のいずれも、家計が急変して定められた所得基準等に当てはまる場合に、随時申込みを行うことができます。ただし、家計急変の発生後、一定期間内に申し込む必要があります。詳しくは下記の 「Q&A」をご覧ください。

3  「学びの継続」のための『学生支援緊急給付金』(国による学生支援緊急給付金給付事業)

  なお、外国人留学生及び留学生別科生に関しては、上記の「本学における支援」のうち、「3 関西大学家計急変者給付奨学金」及び「4 関西大学短期貸付金」は取扱いが異なっております。今後、経済的な理由により修学が困難な場合は、正規留学⽣は国際教育グループ(kokusai@ml.kandai.jp)、留学生別科学生は国際プラザグループ(ku-jpn@ml.kandai.jp)にメールでご相談ください。



【Q&A】  ※2020年5月1日更新
Q1  一人暮らしの学生にだけ一律金を支給するのは不公平ではありませんか。
A1  この度の新型コロナウイルス感染症の影響により、一人暮らしかどうかに関わらず、多くの学生、保護者の皆様の経済状況が厳しくなっておられることは十分に認識しており、もとより、学生の皆様の修学が困難になることを可能な限り避けたいという強い思いを持っています。

Q1  一律金の支給は、寮や下宿などに1人で住んでいなければ対象にならないのでしょうか。
A1  「一人暮らしの学生(下宿生・寮生、外国人留学生・留学生別科生)への一律金」の支給は、ご父母・保護者と同居せずに学生生活を送る学生の皆さんへの支援を想定しています。

Q2  下宿先の住所を大学にまだ届け出ていません。支給の対象になるために、事前に大学への届出の必要がありますか。
A2  一人暮らしの学生への一律金の支給に関する手続きは現在検討中であり、後日詳細についてご案内いたしますが、さし当たり、この手続きに先立ち下宿先等を大学に届け出る必要はありません。

Q1  新型コロナウイルス感染症の影響で家計が急変しましたが、今から申し込める奨学金はありますか。
A1  上記3の「新型コロナウイルス感染症家計急変給付奨学金」に加えて、家計急変の奨学金については次のとおり随時申し込み可能なものがあります。
    (1)  国の修学支援新制度―家計急変給付奨学金―
    (2)  日本学生支援機構貸与奨学金―緊急・応急貸与―
    (3)  関西大学家計急変給付奨学金(春・秋の2回募集)
  詳しくは 奨学支援グループウェブサイトを参照ください。
  上記(1)・(2)の奨学金についてのご相談は 相談シートに記入の上、各キャンパスの奨学金担当宛までメールをお送りください。

Q1  新型コロナウイルス感染症の影響でアルバイトができず、家庭からの仕送りも十分ではありません。下宿の家賃が払えないので、今すぐまとまったお金が必要なのですが。
A1  生活資金の不足については短期貸付金の制度があります。原則は3万円ですが、内容により上限10万円を限度として相談に応じます。まずは奨学支援グループに相談ください。
  詳しくは 奨学支援グループウェブサイトを参照ください。

Q1  学費納入用紙はいつ送付されますか。
A1  4月30日より、順次発送いたします。

Q2  学費はいつまでに振り込まなければならないのでしょうか。
A2  納入期日は5月31日までとしていますが、次のA3のとおり延納・分納制度を設けています。

Q3  学費納入の猶予等はありませんか。
A3  学費納入用紙に同封している(ご案内)には、春学期の学費を延納する場合の納入期日を6月30日と記載していますが、新型コロナウイルス感染症の影響等に鑑み、その期日を7月30日まで延長いたします。

Q1  国の修学支援新制度がどんなものか教えてください。
A1  給付奨学金と授業料減免とがセットになった手厚い制度で、募集は春と秋の2回です。
        なお、家計が急変した方は随時募集を受け付けます。詳しくは 奨学支援グループウェブサイトを参照ください。

Q2  国の修学支援新制度(日本学生支援機構 給付奨学金)の対象になりました。学費は減免された金額で納入することになりますか。
A2  学費は一旦納入いただいてから春学期は9月、秋学期は3月に還付されることになります。

Q1  科目等履修生・聴講生、外国人研究生は、この一律金の支給の対象になりますか。
A1  この度の修学支援の対象は、関西大学に在学する正規の学部生及び大学院生になり、科目等履修生・聴講生、外国人研究生は対象にはなりません。

以 上

[To All Students, Parents, and Guardians] Information Regarding COVID-19-Related Learning Support (Notice)

A "Q&A" will be updated as needed based on the content of inquiries received after posting the following notice.
Please understand that this Q&A will serve in place of direct answers to those who have sent us inquiries via email.
Please also understand that due to a reduction in personnel as well as other COVID-19-related factors, it may take some time to respond to inquiries.

April 30, 2020
Kansai University
Updated on June 1, 2020

The spread of COVID-19, along with the government's declaration of a state of emergency and other circumstances are having a significant impact on our daily lives.
With regard to the impact of COVID-19, Kansai University has determined that there will be a significant financial burden particularly for students who live alone (boarding students, dormitory students, regular international students and Japanese Language and Culture Program Preparatory Course (Bekka) international students), as they may incur expenses such as rent (including dormitory fees), living expenses, and costs for improving their Internet environment in order to attend online classes. With this in mind, we have decided to provide these students with a flat payment of 50,000 yen. We will also enhance the existing "Kansai University Scholarship for Those with Sudden Changes in Household Finances."
Through these programs, Kansai University is engaged in providing a total of 500 million yen in economic assistance.
In addition to the above programs, we would also like to inform you of the following emergency responses and measures taken to prevent COVID-19 from making it more difficult for you to study, along with information on the support systems being provided by the Japanese government and other institutions.
We will continue to receive the support and cooperation of the Parent's Association, which is a guardian organization, and the Alumni & Alumnae Association, which is composed of Kansai University graduates. While doing this, we will also consider various responses and measures to further support learning, and so we hope for your continued understanding.

[Support at Kansai University]
1 Support for Internet Environment Improvements
・As communicated in a previous notice, we are asking each student to prepare their own equipment and Internet environment as required to take remote learning courses. However, if this has proven to be impossible for you, please check the Information System notice entitled "Notice of the Start of Wi-Fi Router and Laptop Rentals" and follow the procedure contained within this notice. The university has 300 mobile Wi-Fi routers (students pay 2,000 yen per month and the monthly data capacity is 20 GB) and 200 laptops (no cost for students) available for rental.
・In addition, we have a contract with Zoom that provides us with their Education Site license, and accounts have been distributed to all faculty members in order to effectively conduct interactive, real-time classes for students.

2 Flat Payment to Students Who Live Alone (Boarding Students, Dormitory Students, Regular International Students and Bekka International Students)
・A flat payment of 50,000 yen will be made. This program is scheduled to begin in mid-May. The procedure for this program and other details will be announced through an Information System notice or similar notification as soon as relevant decisions are made.

3 Expansion of the "Kansai University Scholarship for Those with Sudden Changes in Household Finances" System (*Excluding Regular International Students and Bekka International Students)
・We will be accepting additional applications for the Kansai University Scholarship for Those with Sudden Changes in Household Finances. For details, please check this document, and then follow the procedure for the application.
・Under the title of the "COVID-19 Sudden Change in Household Finances Scholarship," we will provide scholarships (an annual amount of 120,000 yen) to students who have difficulty in attending school due to considerably sudden changes in household finances stemming from the impact of COVID-19. For details, please check this document, and then follow the procedure for the application.

4 Increased Amounts for Kansai University Short-Term Loans (*Excluding Bekka International Students)
・In principle, we have increased the loan amount from 30,000 yen to 100,000 yen. For details, see the "Q&A" below.

5 Extension of Payment Dates, etc. for Tuition Deferments and Installments
・Installment system: The procedure period will be changed from "April 20 to April 30" to "May 20 to May 31." In addition, the due dates for two-part installments will be extended to "June 30" and "July 30" respectively.
Deferment system: The deferment date will be extended from "June 30" to "July 30."
For details, see the "Q&A" below.
*Please note that the above changes are not listed in the information sheet that is enclosed with the tuition payment form.

[Support from the Japanese Government and Other Institutions]
1 The New System for Higher Education Learning Support (University Tuition Reductions and Scholarships Provided by the Japan Student Services Organization)
(*Excluding Regular International Students and Bekka International Students)
・This system was introduced by the Japanese government in April this year, and is also applicable to cases of sudden changes in household finances due to the impact of COVID-19. For details, see the "Q&A" below.

2 Scholarship Loans Provided by the Japan Student Services Organization (Interest-Free and Interest-Bearing)
(*Excluding Regular International Students and Bekka International Students)
・Applications for any scholarship loan (interest-free and interest-bearing) can be made as necessary if a student's household finances suddenly change and meet predetermined income standards. However, applications must be made within a certain period of time following a sudden change in household finances. For details, see the "Q&A" below.

3 Student Support Handout for Continuing Studies (Government-funded Emergency Benefits for Student Support Program)
・This project pays cash to students to ensure that students who are having difficulty continuing their studies at universities do not abandon their studies in our current situation where the spread of COVID-19 has resulted in a notable economic impact on student life due to a significant decrease in household income and income from part-time work.
・For details, please check this document, and then follow the procedure for the application.

Please note that, of the above-mentioned "Support at Kansai University," the "3. Kansai University Scholarship for Those with Sudden Changes in Household Finances" and "4. Kansai University Short-Term Loans" are handled differently for regular international students and Bekka international students. In the future, if it is difficult for you to attend school for economic reasons, please contact the International Education Group (kokusaiml.kandai.jp) for regular international students or the International Plaza Group (ku-jpnml.kandai.jp) for Bekka international students.

In addition to the above, future decisions will be updated as necessary and posted on this page ("Notice Regarding COVID-19"). We hope that you will continue to check the information found on this page.

[Q&A] *Updated May 1, 2020
[Basic Concepts Behind Currently Implemented Measures]
Q1 Isn't it unfair to give a flat payment only to students who live alone?
A1 We are fully aware that the recent outbreak of COVID-19 has created more severe economic conditions for many students and their parents regardless of whether they live alone or not, and before anything else, we are strongly determined to do all that we can to avoid making learning difficult for all students.
Therefore, as shown in item 3 in the [Support at Kansai University] section, we will expand (open up additional slots in the existing system as well as establish a new system for) the "Kansai University Scholarship for Those with Sudden Changes in Household Finances" and provide all students with annual payments of 240,000 yen or 120,000 yen under certain conditions in the event of a sudden change in household finances. For all those whose economic conditions have worsened due to COVID-19, we would like to encourage you to consider using this scholarship along with the New System for Higher Education Learning Support and other forms of support described in the [Support from the Japanese Government and Other Institutions] section.
In addition, as the period between procedures and disbursements may become longer, it may become difficult to secure immediate living expenses. Therefore, we have increased the amount that can be secured for interest-free and same-day, short-term loans to a maximum of ¥100,000. At the same time, we will extend the payment period from May 31 to July 30 for those who have conducted the prescribed procedure.
With this in mind, Kansai University has decided that we need to bear additional expenses as an emergency measure for all students who live alone and who have to pay for boarding and dormitory expenses as well as those who are unable to return to their family homes.
In this manner, Kansai University will consider how to support students from our limited financial resources, and then we will continue to take measures to support as wide a range of students as possible. We hope for your understanding in regard to these matters.

[Support for Students Who Live Alone]
Q1 Am I not eligible for the flat payment if I don't live alone in a dormitory or boarding house?
A1 The provision of "a flat payment for students who live alone (boarding students, dormitory students, regular international students and Bekka international students)" is intended to support students who are attending the university and living on their own instead of living with their parents or guardians.

Q2 I still haven't reported my boarding house address to the university. Do I need to report that to the university in advance to be eligible for the payment?
A2 The procedure related to the flat fee payment for students who live alone is currently being considered and will be explained in detail at a later date, but for the time being, you will not need to report your boarding house address to the university prior to this procedure.

[University Scholarships]
Q1 My household finances have suddenly changed due to COVID-19. Are there any scholarships that I can apply for now?
A1 In addition to the "COVID-19 Sudden Change in Household Finances Scholarship" mentioned above in item 3, the following scholarships are available and can be applied for at any time.
(1)New National Learning Support System: Sudden Change in Household Finances Scholarship
(2)Japan Student Services Organization Scholarships: Emergency/Temporary Loans
(3)Kansai University Sudden Change in Household Finances Scholarship (Applications accepted twice a year in spring and fall)
Regular applications for scholarships are accepted in spring (March) and fall (September), but in light of our current situation, we will be accepting additional applications at this time.
For more information, please visit the Scholarship Support Group website.
If you would like to discuss the scholarships listed in items 1-2 above, please fill out a consultation form and email it to the address of the person in charge of scholarships at each campus.
(Email addresses for inquiries)
Senriyama Campus: kakeiml.kandai.jp
Sakai Campus: sakai1ml.kandai.jp
Takatsuki Campus: k-takaml.kandai.jp
Takatsuki Muse Campus: safety-scienceml.kandai.jp

[Living Expenses]
Q1 Due to COVID-19, I can't work part-time, and the allowance I get from my family is not enough. I can't pay the rent for my boarding house, so I need a large sum of money right now.
A1 There is a short-term loan system to cover shortages in living expenses. As a general rule, the loan amount is 30,000 yen, but depending on the details of your circumstances, you may be offered up to 100,000 yen. Please consult with the Scholarship Support Group first.
For more information, please visit the Scholarship Support Group website.

Q1 When will tuition payment forms be sent out?
A1 They will start being sent out on April 30.

Q2 By when do I have to pay tuition?
A2 The payment date is May 31, but we have established a deferred payment and installment system as shown in A3 below.

Q3 Is there a grace period for tuition payment?
A3 The (Guide) enclosed with the tuition payment form states that June 30 is the deferred payment due date for spring term tuition fees, but in view of the impact of COVID-19, we will extend the due date to July 30.

The form also states that the procedure period for installments is from April 20 to April 30, but we will change this to May 20 to May 31. At the same time, we will extend the first payment date from May 31 to June 30 and we will extend the second payment date from June 30 to July 30.
*For information on the application procedure, click "Information System" in the lower left section of the Kansai University website, log in with your student user ID and password, select "Applications and Surveys" from the left side menu on the top page, and then follow the instructions on the screen.

[New National Learning Support System]
Q1 Please tell me what the New National Learning Support System will be like?
A1 It is a generous system that includes scholarships and tuition fee reductions, and applications for this system are accepted twice a year, in spring and autumn.
Also, for students whose household finances have suddenly changed, applications are accepted at any time. For more information, please visit the Scholarship Support Group website.

Q2 I became eligible for the New National Learning Support System (Japan Student Services Organization Scholarship). Will I pay tuition at the reduced amount?
A2 Once you have paid for your spring tuition, you will receive a refund in September, and for the fall semester, you will receive a refund in March.

Q1 Are credited/uncredited auditors and foreign research students eligible for this flat payment?
A1 This learning support is meant for regular undergraduates or graduate students at Kansai University, not for credited/uncredited auditors and foreign research students.

2020/04/30/ 初回掲出

2020/06/01 10:00 UP
