Research Promotion and Development
Division of Research Development
To improve our University's research, the Division of Research Development discusses and makes decisions related to formulating the University's research promotion strategy, setting up systems for supporting research and promoting the introduction of external competitive funds, improving research ethics, publishing research results, exploring issues related to the proper use of research funds, and other university-wide matters pertaining to research.
Search for Research Information
Search by Researcher Name
- Academic Information System
- Search for research results or research activity information of specific researchers.
Search by Article Title
- Institutional Repository
- Search for journal articles, doctoral dissertations, bulletin papers, and other research outputs published by our University.
Research Activities
Research Support System
(Kansai University URA)
In order to revitalize research activities and strengthen the research support system, Kansai University has assigned University Research Administrators (URAs) who oversee the strategic planning and management of research activities and outreach of research results. Through their support, URAs can create an environment for researchers to focus on their research activities. As a result, the University's research output improves and brings new value to a changing society, thereby deepening the University's motto, "GAKU-NO-JITSUGE (Harmony between Academia & Society)."
Kansai University Professor's Channel
The Kansai University Video Archive highlights the educational and research efforts of the university's faculty members, sharing its unique expertise and appeal with audiences both within and beyond the university community.
Conducting Fair Research Activities
To help ensure that researchers properly conduct research activities, our University has established guidelines and regulations related to research ethics, preventing the misuse of research funds, and other similar issues.
- Kansai University research ethics standards
- Regulations on the handling of public research funds
- Regulations on the handling of wrongful research activity acts
- Code of ethics on research involving human subjects at Kansai University
- Kansai University's animal experiment regulations
Ensuring a Safe Research Environment
Kansai University has established a Safety Management Committee to ensure the safety of students, faculty and staff. The committee makes endeavor to prevent accidents and environmental pollution related to experimental equipment and hazardous or harmful chemical substances, and in the event of an accident, takes measures to minimize the damage and impact.
- Education and Research
- Research Promotion and Development