
学校法人  関西大学





以 上

Policy measures in response to COVID-19 impact

Firstly, we express our sincere sympathy to the people significantly affected by COVID-19.
Amid the declaration of a state of emergency, we are making every effort to prevent any of our students from leaving university due to the financial impact of COVID-19, putting our students' safety as a top priority as well. Because of this difficult time, we have received opinions and inquiries related to the impact of COVID-19 such as about tuition reduction and academic support. In response to this, please allow us to explain our fundamental policy once again.

Policy on tuition fee
We address that tuition should not be reduced because of COVID-19 impact. The tuition fee is decided based on the total cost for education that students receive until their graduation and gain academic degrees. In the case of an undergraduate student, the tuition is a total cost for four-year education in addition to the expense to maintain and improve the academic research environment.
On the other hand, classes for the spring semester are conducted remotely and on-campus facilities are being restricted to use, with the purpose to prevent the spread of the infection. We deeply regret the inconvenience that these changes have caused you.
In order to lessen the gap to usual study environment, we take measures by purchasing software license to conduct remote classes smoothly and preparing technical equipment for lending, meanwhile we have had many discussions about how we can improve online classes as well as provide supplementary lectures after the class resumption. Although most facilities are restricted to use currently, they have been maintained uninterruptedly and premeditatedly including purchase of new library books and other supplies. We appreciate your understanding in our efforts as explained above.

Policy on academic support
We are committed to supporting our students to ensure they can continue learning during the current pandemic and have carefully discussed how limited financial resources to be allocated.
As a result, we have reached a decision to take emergency measures for the students in a more disadvantageous situation. Specifically, one of them is to expand the existing scholarship system for the students who need them due to sudden changes in their household finances. Using the system, 240,000 Yen is provided to the student who faces financial difficulties resulted from the death or unemployment of the tuition sponsor. In addition to this, we newly establish the financial support to provide 120,000 Yen to the student whose household finances have been suddenly affected by COVID-19.
Although it may take some time to receive the support, as a tentative measure, the Kansai University short-term loan becomes available, and the upper limit has been increased from 30,000 Yen to 100,000 Yen.
Furthermore, a total of 300 mobile Wi-Fi routers and 200 notebook PCs has been prepared for students with insufficient network environment to receive online lectures.
We have also decided to provide emergency assistance for students who live alone, taking into consideration that they need to pay for room and board yet be in difficult situation to return home.
As mentioned above, we have strived for consistent stable financial management by implementing budget efficiently and effectively while containing spending. Please apprehend that the limited financial resources are used to offer as much support as possible for our students.
Based on our basic principle to keep any of our students from leaving the university by financial difficulties, we are further considering assistance measures in line with support from government and municipality.
We appreciate your understanding, cooperation and patience in this difficult time.

2020/05/08/ 17:00 初回掲出

2020/05/28 11:00 UP
