


  1. 2024年度春学期から受入れます。
  2. 受入れ期間は1セメスターもしくは2セメスターとします。
  1. ウクライナにおいて大学又は大学院に所属し、それを証明することができる者
  2. ウクライナの教育省、所属する大学・大学院等の推薦を得ることができる者
  3. 日本国籍を有さず、日本における在留資格を有する者
  4. 本学が定める日本語又は英語能力を有する者※
  5. ウクライナ侵攻により、自国において学修の継続が困難な者
  6. 経済的な理由等により、日本において自費による高等教育の修学が困難な者
  7. 本学の教育理念に基づき学業に専念する強い意思を有する者

  8. (※)前項第4号について、日本語能力はJLPT(日本語能力試験)N2以上、英語能力はCEFR B1等以上とし、そのいずれかと同等以上の能力があると認められる者とする。
  1. 学費・諸費等の全額免除
  2. ウクライナ学生修学助成金の給付:月額8万円
  3. 宿舎支援として住居費の給付:月額上限5万円
  4. 在留資格取得や行政サービス利用に係る各種手続の支援
  5. その他日本語サポートプログラム、心理カウンセリング、就労支援等

  6. (※)支援内容については、本学以外から支援を受けている場合はその支援内容を勘案し、支援の範囲を決定し、学期ごとに確認を行います。

 関西大学 ウクライナ支援チーム
 Email : ukr_support@ml.kandai.jp

Support for accepting Ukrainian students 【Updated on September 21th】

The application period ended. An announcement will be posted on our website when the application is reopened.

 While Kansai University has issued a message in its "Kansai University President's Message Regarding the Russian Military's Invasion of Ukraine" on March 2nd,2022 hoping that this issue will be resolved as quickly as possible, we provide support for students who have been taken away opportunities for study and research at their university due to the Russian military's invasion of Ukraine.
 We have decided to accept special auditing students from spring 2024 semester through the Japan-Ukraine University Pathways program. (Application period: September 29 - October 13, 2023)
 Please click here to see how to apply.

Eligible personUndergraduate or graduate students who are enrolled at university in Ukraine and currently reside in Japan.
Acceptance statusSpecial auditing students (non-regular students)
Acceptance period
  1. We will accept from spring 2024 semester.
  2. We will accept for 1 semester or 2 semesters.
Acceptance requirements
  1. Those who are able to prove that they are enrolled in a university/graduate school in Ukraine.
  2. Those who are able to receive recommendations by Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine or their home university/graduate school, etc.
  3. Those who do not have a Japanese nationality, and have a status of residence in Japan.
  4. Those who have Japanese or English language proficiency specified by Kansai University.※
  5. Those who have difficulty in continuing their studies due to the invasion of Ukraine.
  6. Those who have difficulty in studying higher education at their own expense in Japan due to financial difficulties, etc.
  7. Those who have a strong will to concentrate on their studies based on educational philosophy of Kansai University.

  8. (※)Regarding "4. Those who have Japanese or English language proficiency specified by Kansai University.", students are required to have a language proficiency equal to Japanese-Language Proficiency Test (JLPT) N2 or higher for the Japanese proficiency, and/or CEFR B1 or higher for English proficiency.
Support detail
  1. Exemption from tuition fee and other miscellaneous fees.
  2. School subsidy for Ukrainian students: 80,000yen per month
  3. Support for housing expense: up to 50,000yen per month
    (However, this does not apply if the accommodation is provided free of charge.)
  4. Support for various procedures related to obtaining status of residence and access to administrative services.
  5. Other supports such as Japanese language support programs, psychological counseling, employment support, etc.

  6. (※)Regarding the "Support detail", if students receive support from other associations, we will determine the content of it to consider scope of the "Support detail" every semester.

<Inquiry Contact>
 KU Ukrainian Support Team
 Email: ukr_support@ml.kandai.jp

2023/09/21 13:00 UP
