





関西大学 学長 前田 裕

  • 卒業式、学位記授与式及び入学式の取扱いについて

  • 「新型コロナウイルス感染症に対する事業活動等の基準」の改定(4/1~)について

  • 2023年4月1日以降の取扱いについて

  • Welcoming the New Academic Year ― A Message from President

     We welcome our new students and will soon begin the new academic year 2023.
     Effective April 1, 2023, Kansai University will set the activity standard for novel coronavirus infection to Level 0, meaning normal.

     As already announced to current students, the university will continue to conduct classes in a face-to-face setting, and classrooms will have regular seating arrangements. The wearing of masks will be optional, respecting the decisions of students and faculty members. Various other behavioral restrictions are generally no longer necessary. However, we ask you to continue to take basic infection control measures such as constant ventilation and hand washing. We also ask for your understanding that if there are any special requests from the national or local governments in the future, we will make a new announcement regarding our response.

     Since the start of the coronavirus pandemic in 2019, society's response and assessment have continued to change, which I believe has caused you a great deal of concern and anxiety. We thank you for your understanding and cooperation to date. And based on our achievements in overcoming the pandemic, we will take on new challenges and provide an educational environment on a new stage.

     Please use the experience of the coronavirus pandemic to ensure safe campus life, research, and education at Kansai University by taking basic infection prevention precautions and continuing to be considerate to those around you.

     A new student life begins on this vibrant campus, where students, faculty, and staff gather.

    Yutaka Maeda
    President, Kansai University

    2023/03/10 17:00 UP
