History of
Kansai University

Kansai's First Law School

Ganshuji Temple
Ganshuji Temple

 Kansai Law School—Kansai University's predecessor—was established at Ganshuji Temple (in Kyomachibori, Nishi-ku, Osaka) on November 4, 1886, through the cooperation of Kazushi Yoshida, a Freedom and People's Rights Movement activist, and Misao Inoue, Hisashi Ogura, and Masatada Hotta, all of whom followed the teachings of the French jurist Boissonade.  Korekata Kojima, Chief Justice of the Osaka Court of Appeals at the time, participated in the founding of the school as an honorary employee and fulfilled a supervisory role.

Promotion to University Status
(Old System)

Juntaro Yamaoka
Juntaro Yamaoka

 In 1922, a new campus was established in Senriyama.  In addition, the institution was licensed as a university with two faculties: the Faculty of Law and the Faculty of Business and Commerce.  Juntaro Yamaoka, the General Trustee and President at the time, advocated GAKU-NO-JITSUGE (Harmony between Academia & Society) as the university philosophy, and the university started focusing on holding public lectures and language lessons as well as sending out international students and providing physical education.

KU Renaissance

Uichi Iwasaki
Uichi Iwasaki

 In 1947, as Kansai University was recovering from the devastation of the Second World War, Uichi Iwasaki, the university president at the time, said the following to the students: "At Kansai University, the dawn of a cultural renaissance is upon us. But what is the core of the KU Renaissance? … As we the students of this institution put everything we have into the pursuit of truth, we must always passionately and courageously challenge any kind of authority and power. This, and only this, must be Kansai University's pride and our academic tradition." In April of the following year, Kansai University converted to the new university system, establishing four faculties: Law, Letters, Economics, and Commerce.

Modern Day Kansai University

Bird's eye view of Senriyama Campus
Bird's eye view of Senriyama Campus

 Currently, Kansai University has 13 faculties: Law, Letters, Economics, Business and Commerce, Sociology, Policy Studies, Foreign Language Studies, Health and Well-being, Informatics, Societal Safety Sciences, Engineering Science, Environmental and Urban Engineering, and Chemistry, Materials and Bioengineering.  The University also has graduate schools, a School of Law, a School of Accountancy, and a Japanese Language and Culture Program Preparatory Course (Bekka) and is continuing to develop.


Establishment:1886 to 1922

 The 36-year period from when Kansai Law School was established at Ganshuji Temple in Kyomachibori, Nishi-ku, Osaka until it was promoted to university status by the University Ordinance was when the foundation of Kansai University was built and is therefore called the Establishment period.

Actualization:1922 to 1945

 In 1922, Kansai University was licensed under the University Ordinance.  The University established the Faculty of Law, Faculty of Business and Commerce, and preparatory course.  Later, the University established the Department of Letters in its specialized course as well as the Department of Economics in its Faculty of Business and Commerce.  This period of great expansion is called the Actualization period.

Rebirth:1945 to 1969

 In 1948, following the war, Kansai University converted to the new university system ahead of other universities throughout Japan, establishing four faculties: Law, Letters, Economics, and Commerce.  The University then established the Faculty of Engineering in 1958 followed by the Faculty of Sociology in 1967, thus starting down the path toward becoming a university in both name and reality.  This period is called the Rebirth period.

Expansion:1970 to 1986

 In 1969, as a result of major distress and a search for solutions stemming from a raging university dispute, the open university concept was born.  This period—during which Kansai University tried to find ways to better respond to society's needs, such as by holding public lectures at various locations in an effort to give university research results back to the community—is called the Expansion period.  In 1986, Kansai University celebrated its 100th anniversary.

Embarkation:1986 to the present

 If the first hundred years are considered Kansai University's first century, then its second century is a period consisting of a new campus and faculty, and establishing an annex-school. This is a period of considerable development for the Kandai Group.  Kansai University is committed to reaching higher and trying harder.  This is the period of our ongoing Embarkation.