


社会学部では、バタビタル ラケシュ 氏をお招きし、下記のとおり招へい研究員講義を開催します。

日時 : 2019年6月14日(金)13:00~14:30
場所 : 千里山キャンパス 第3学舎4階 A405教室
演題 : Media Ecology and Fake News in India
講師 : バタビヤル ラケシュ 氏
     (インド メディア研究センター)
概要 : Political discourse in India in recent years has
displayed an unprecedented level of violence: from
rhetorical to personal. It is in this ambience that the
phenomenon of Fake News has acquired salience.
There has been phenomenon like Fake News in the
past and were used to certain definite political ends.
They however existed in the margins of media ecology.
The recent Fake News phenomenon, however, as we
shall see, by bringing this to the centre, put
unprecedented strain on both Media and Politics.