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Call for continued attention to Nankai Trough Earthquake Related Information

  The Japanese Meteorological Agency issued "Nankai Trough Earthquake Extra Information (mega-earthquake advisory)" after the earthquake that occurred off the coast of Hyuga-nada, Miyazaki Prefecture on August 8, 2024. In the estimated epicenter area of Nankai Trough Earthquake, the possibility of mega-earthquake is considered to be relatively high compared with normal times.

  • (Reference) JMA (HP) Types of information related to Nankai Trough earthquakes and announcement conditions
  •   Students, faculty and staff are advised to lead a normal life and check once again on your actions to protect yourself with reference to the following items.

    1.Action plan in emergencies

    [Confirmation of evacuation route]
    Check the evacuation route and make sure you can evacuate quickly in an emergency.

    [Evacuation Behavior]
    When an earthquake occurs, please act calmly and take action to protect your own safety first.
    Outdoor : Evacuate to a wide open space away from buildings and utility poles.
    Indoor : Stay away from window panes and shelves and watch out for falling objects.
    *Secure Exit : Open the door and secure an evacuation route so that you can get out immediately.
    *Do not use elevators: Don't use elevators during earthquakes; use the stairs.

    2.Preparation of emergency goods

    [Necessary Items]
    Prepare drinking water and emergency foods (for about a week), medical supplies, flashlight, mobile phone charger and so on.

    [Management of personal information]
    Always carry identification and emergency contact information.

    3.Information gathering

    [Confirmation of official information]
    Check official information regularly on TV, radio, Internet, etc.

    [Beware of fake news]
    Do not be misled by uncertain information and give preference to information from reliable sources.

    Routine preparation and a calm response can be of great help in an emergency.

    2024/08/27 09:00 UP

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