
 >  アドバンストプログラム  >  Malaysia Blended Mobility program: Day 2


Malaysia Blended Mobility program: Day 2

The second day of the Malaysia Blended Mobility program kicked off with two insightful sessions aimed at enhancing the students' personal and professional development. Associate Professor Dr. Abdul Latiff Ahmad led the first session, focusing on the importance of personal branding and leadership skills. This was followed by an engaging workshop on sustainability and the basics of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) facilitated by Associate Professor Andrew Sowter from Kansai University.

After lunch, the students embarked on a visit to the Kuala Lumpur SDGs Center, where they were treated to informative talks on SDGs initiatives both at Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) and in Kuala Lumpur. Dr. Tanot Unjah shed light on the crucial role of universities in advancing the SDG agenda, while the SDG Center staff elaborated on the implementation of SDGs in Malaysia.

The learning journey continued with a visit to the River of Life, a flagship project aimed at revitalizing Kuala Lumpur's riverfronts and promoting sustainable urban development. Witnessing firsthand the efforts towards environmental conservation and community engagement left a lasting impression on the students.

As the day drew to a close, the students had the opportunity to experience the vibrant atmosphere of the Bangi night market, indulging in local delicacies and immersing themselves in the rich tapestry of Malaysian culture.


Read more:
Malaysia Blended Mobility program started with COIL

Malaysia Blended Mobility program: Day 1

Malaysia Blended Mobility program: Final days