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2024.02.28Advanced ProgramsNews

Malaysia Blended Mobility program: Final days

February 29th

February 29th marked a significant milestone for all participants of the Malaysia Blended Mobility program as they delved deeper into their cultural exchange and academic endeavors. With a busy schedule filled with engaging sessions and group activities, the day promised a wealth of learning opportunities and shared experiences.

The morning started with an independent study and teamwork session, providing students with the chance to reflect on their journey so far and collaborate on various projects. This session served as a platform for participants to strengthen bonds and exchange ideas, fostering a sense of camaraderie among the diverse group of students.

Following the morning session, the participants were joined by the participants of the International Staff and Faculty Development Program Among APAC Universities 2024 for a meet and greet session at Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM). This provided an invaluable opportunity for cross-cultural exchange and networking, allowing participants to share insights and experiences from their respective programs.

In the afternoon, the participants engaged in a dynamic session on presentation skills facilitated by Associate Professor Sajjad Pouromid from Kansai University. Through practical tips and interactive exercises, students honed their abilities to communicate effectively and deliver impactful presentations. As the day progressed, participants had the opportunity to work in groups and prepare their final presentations, applying the knowledge and skills acquired throughout the day. 


March 1st

On the final day of the Malaysia Blended Mobility program, students showcased their creativity and dedication through a series of presentations centered around Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Divided into three teams, participants were tasked with designing and executing projects that addressed specific SDGs within the context of Malaysia. The presentations provided a platform for students to demonstrate their innovative solutions and highlight the impact of their initiatives on local communities.

Following the presentations, the program culminated in a heartfelt closing ceremony, where participants and organizers came together to acknowledge and celebrate the successful completion of the program. Amidst heartfelt speeches and expressions of gratitude, the students bid farewell to their newfound friends and mentors, marking the end of a transformative chapter in their academic and personal growth.

Read more:
Malaysia Blended Mobility program started with COIL

Malaysia Blended Mobility program: Day 1

Malaysia Blended Mobility program: Day 2