
 >  ニュース  >  The IIGE Upskilling course started


The IIGE Upskilling course started

The IIGE Upskilling course started this week. The Upskilling course is a three-week intensive capacity building training course for staff and faculty to learn the "fundamentals" of international education and online international education including collaborative online international learning (COIL) and Virtual Exchange (VE). The course is  conducted in Japanese and taught by Professor Hiroshi Ota of Hitotsubashi University and IIGE vice-director Keiko Ikeda. 

Program outline

The course combines interactive workshops with asynchonous activities. There are 10 sessions on the following themes:

- Transition of higher education and trends in study abroad (student mobility)

- Marketization of International Students and Policies of Major Countries and Regions

- Japan's International Student Policies and Challenges
- International Student Recruiting and Admissions
- Japan's Study Abroad Policy and Trends, and Challenges for Universities 
- Internationalization of Education and Revitalization of International Student Exchange 
- Strategic Approach and Management of University Internationalization
- The Rise of Online International Education, Highly Responsive, Interactive, and Engaging Online Learning 1
- The Rise of Online International Education, Highly Responsive, Interactive, and Engaging Online Learning 2 
- Course debriefing

For more information about the course, please visit: