
 >  セミナー  >  KU IIGE International Forum: oVice Workshop


KU IIGE International Forum: oVice Workshop

On Monday, December 6th ahead of the KU IIGE International Forum event (to be held on December 10-11th JST), IIGE Coordinators Michele Fujii and Izumi Wada, along with IIGE support staff members, conducted a pre-event workshop for the presenters on the use of the virtual oVice space. 


Presenters were given an overview of the platform, walked through the process of registration and profile completion, and given the opportunity to check out the space in real time to test out its functions and limitations. 


A virtual poster presentation hour will be held on Saturday, December 11th, following a keynote speech to kick off the day's events. 


For more information on the Forum and virtual poster session presentations, visit