
 >  アドバンストプログラム  >  Business Camp Feb. 2022 Day 7 - Special Lectures with Clemson University Students


Business Camp Feb. 2022 Day 7 - Special Lectures with Clemson University Students

On February 17, on Day 7 of the online Business Camp, students participated in a special lecture by an AI/ML researcher from Google. The lecture began with an introduction of what Machine Learning is and how it is different from the traditinal manual implimentation such as ML being based on data/records in the domain rather than knowledge /experience of domain experts and it is getting closer to human recognition. The lecturer also pointed out the kind of problems ML can solve in our day-to-day life, which gave the students ideas of the ways ML can be utalized to improve their products they have been working on in this program.  
In this session, the participants were also joined by several Clemson University (US) students from a Japanese language course and they were given opportunities to discuss and interact with each other in small groups. Clemson University students will join them again on Feb. 21 to participate in another guest lecture.



In the next session of the day, they welcomed another special lecturer, Mr. Darren Menabney, who has been a TEDx speaker, teaches Storytelling and Design Thinking with IDEO U, and is a contributing writer for Forbes and Fast Company. He gave a lecture on why storytelling is important and provided steps and tips on more pursuasive proposals on the students' products. The students were able to get valuable feedback from Mr. Darren on their product proposals that they have been working on in teams. They will continue on working of the project for day 8 and day 9.