
 >  News  >  U.S.-Japan Rapid Response Virtual Exchange/COIL Transformation Lab Info Session


U.S.-Japan Rapid Response Virtual Exchange/COIL Transformation Lab Info Session

 IIGE Vice-Director Prof. Keiko Ikeda has joined U.S.-Japan Rapid Response Virtual Exchange/COIL Transformation Lab Info Session held by ACE on ZOOM on Friday, June 12th.
 In this information webinar, ACE (American Council of Education) and Prof. Keiko gave more detailed description of the Rapid Response Virtual Exchange/COIL Transformation Lab, in which ACE and IIGE will support and train U.S-Japan higher ed partners to create VE/COIL programs. This ACE-IIGE collaboration is support​ed through a grant from the U.S. Embassy Tokyo and coordinated in partnership with MEXT​.

 During the session, participants were provided chance to ask questions about the program as well as application process.





For more information about this program, please visit: