JIGE Kick-Off Symposium recap: Day 1
On January 24th, the JIGE Kick-Off Symposium commenced with a workshop at Chiba University Sumida Campus in Tokyo. The workshop titled 'Internationalization in HEIs: Navigating Global Trends and Their Relevance to Your Role' was facilitated by Alfonso Diaz Segura (CEU Educational Group), Stephanie Doscher (Florida International University), and Eva Haug (Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences).
The workshop delved into diverse definitions of internationalization, explored trends, drivers, and aspects of internationalization of the curriculum, and provided practical tips for implementing effective strategies. Through interactive activities, participants were encouraged to think critically about the relevance of internationalization to their roles and consider why and how their institutions could enhance these efforts.
Active participation came from administrators and faculty representing various partner universities in Japan and overseas.
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JIGE Kick-Off Symposium recap: Day 2
JIGE Kick-Off Symposium recap: Day 3