IIGE Professional Development Webinar Series #3: No more Empty Words- Sustainable Development at the Core of Higher Education
The IIGE Professional Development Series 2022 "Building Global Resilience with I.D.E.A. (Inclusion, Diversity, Equity and Access)" held its third session, "No more Empty Words- Sustainable Development at the Core of Higher Education" on September 21st (JST), in which panelists from leading universities (Stehanie Doscher, Florida International University; Alfonso Díaz Segura, University CEU Cardenal Herrera; Keiko Ikeda, Kansai University IIGE) discussed why and how sustainable development must be at the center of higher education. HEIs around the world have made significant progress in promoting sustainable development, and there are a number of new SDGs-related programs and courses currently on the rise. The speakers talked about some of these developments taking place in the institutions where they work, located in three different regions around the world: CEU Valencia (in Spain), Kansai University (Japan), and Florida International University (USA). The purpose of the session was to introduce activities, programs and research projects that portray the engagement these 3 universities show for sustainable development.
The conversation that followed, led by IIGE project Coordinator Rob Kuipers, centered around the challenges and drivers of institutional change, the importance of stakeholder engagement, and what can be done differently to avoid “empty words.”
To view the on-demand recording of this open webinar event, fill out the form below.
For more information on this and other upcoming events in the professional development series, visit the website below.