
 >  News  >  Osaka Seminar: July 30th - 31st Activities Report


Osaka Seminar: July 30th - 31st Activities Report


On Tuesday July 30th and Wednesday July 31st, our Joint Honors Program students took part in Japanese language and culture classes, headed by IIGE faculty members Professors Keiko Ikeda and Don Bysouth. They were assisted by Kansai University students, who also instructed the students in a traditional game of karuta and hanafuda.


Professor Don Bysouth gives a lecture on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in preparation for the students' Peace Boat excursion to the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park later this month. 



The students practicing their Japanese with Kansai University graduate student TAs.



Playing karuta in the tatami room of the Kogaku-kan.



Students taking part in a game of hanafuda.


As part of their culture class, they had the opportunity learn about traditional Japanese dress, and practiced the art of wearing yukata. 





The students spent time researching the ports of Kanazawa, Nagasaki, Muroran, and Otaru, where they will engage in field work during the offshore cruise program later this month. In further preparation they also took part in an SDG Action card game (developed by the Kanazawa Institute of Technology) as a first step toward brainstorming innovative solutions to 21st century problems.



The students share their research on the ports of call where they have planned their field work in groups. 


Playing the SDGs Action Card Game