
 >  News  >  KU-Clemson University (US) COIL Project (Entrepreneurship Mindset Program Pre-program Workshop)


KU-Clemson University (US) COIL Project (Entrepreneurship Mindset Program Pre-program Workshop)

On January 25th, Kansai University students began their COIL project with Clemson University (US). This project is part of their pre-program workshop for the Entrepreneurship Mindset Program, in which students will be learning entrepreneurship skills in order for the students to equip themselves with competency and mindset that will help them to become “Future Ready”.


In this COIL project, the KU students will have daily Zoom sessions with CU students who are enrolled in the TEFL course, which provides the KU students opportunities to practice English and the CU students to gain teaching experience. This project will continue till the 30th of January, on which each KU student will give a presentation on Japanese culture.