
 >  News  >  Kapi`olani Community College Visit to Kansai University


Kapi`olani Community College Visit to Kansai University


Kapi`olani Community College Associate Professor of Japanese Lisa Kobuke (pictured center right) visited IIGE to discuss her upcoming Fall 2019 COIL partnership with Kansai University Professor Kaoru Villa. Professor Keiko Ikeda (IIGE Vice Director), along with Assistant Professor Elvita Wiasih (far left) and Associate Professor Don Bysouth (second from left), shared with her the first steps in the COIL process, while IIGE COIL Plus Coordinator Yuko Fukuoka (far right) began discussing the potential for a new inbound/outbound COIL Plus study abroad program with KCC. 


IIGE is looking forward to collaborating with KCC in these upcoming programs, and wishes Professor Kobuke and Professor Villa a successful COIL this fall.


※Kansai University invites JPN-COIL Consortium member university professors interested in pursuing COIL in their courses to visit IIGE, attend our training seminars/webinars, and enroll in ImmerseU (trial use to begin July 2019) to connect with potential COIL partners all over the world.