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 >  Advanced Programs  >  LLC Limited Training Series Kick-Off

2021.06.11Advanced Programs

LLC Limited Training Series Kick-Off

IIGE kicked off its first ever LLC (Language Learning focused COIL) Limited Training Series on Friday, June 11th with an introduction to the ImmerseU LMS platform and an overview of the upcoming training schedule. This training series aims to provide the opportunity for instructors who may require assistance finding a partner university or instructor for LLC projects. 

LLC programs are designed to deepen students' understanding of language and culture, and to enhance their communication skills through the use of Japanese and other foreign languages. IIGE is currently promoting collaborations with overseas university Japanese language classes in partnerships with the ALLEX Foundation.


Through the ImmerseU LMS platform, IIGE has formed a virtual community online in a neutral “third space” that is neither home nor abroad, where learners engage in PBL-type activities using the target foreign language to cultivate intercultural competence and interpersonal communicative competence. Our hope is that together we can build a sustainable virtual community and develop a bank of resources that will aid educators in their pursuit of a fully enriching Language Learning focused COIL experience.


For more information on IIGE-ALLEX Foundation LLC projects, see: