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 >  Advanced Programs  >  Feb 2020 COIL Plus Program Wrap-Up

2020.03.10Advanced Programs

Feb 2020 COIL Plus Program Wrap-Up


On March 10th, Kansai University students who participated in the three outbound COIL Plus Programs (Hawaii, New York, and California) this February convened for a final lecture and discussion reflecting on their overseas experiences. 


Due to the recent COVID-19 outbreak, students were encouraged to participate online via ZOOM, an app they were very familiar with using during their COIL projects to communicate with overseas students and faculty during the Fall 2019 semester. 


In the two-hour session, facilitated by Professor Keiko Ikeda, the students were encouraged to share personal anecdotes from their trips, insight on any notable cultural differences between Japan and the U.S., and reflect on how their experiences abroad have influenced their personal growth. Following the session, the students were directed to take part in the BEVI (Beliefs, Events and Values Inventory) survey for the second time in order to gain a comprehensive evaluation of the overall effectiveness of the COIL Plus Program.





To learn more about COIL Plus, visit


To learn more about the COIL-BEVI Project, visit