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 >  Advanced Programs  >  KU-KCC COIL Plus Program : Damian Zukeran Visit to KU

2019.12.02Advanced Programs

KU-KCC COIL Plus Program : Damian Zukeran Visit to KU

On Monday, December 2nd, Kapi'olani Community College Education Specialist Damian Zukeran visited Kansai University to meet with IIGE faculty and staff to discuss coordinating the upcoming outbound COIL Plus Program in February 2020.



During his visit, he was also welcomed to Prof. Keiko Ikeda's Global Awareness II class, which is involved in a COIL project with KCC students this semester. Zukeran met with the students he had previously been communicating with via ZOOM (an ICT tool used to facilitate live international communication between students), several of whom will be visiting the KCC campus next year. The students introduced themselves in person, followed by a Q&A session on Hawaiian culture, where they had the opportunity to learn about differences between Japanese and Hawaiian university life and the popularity of the traditional and contemporary Hula dance.