Advanced Programs

 >  Advanced Programs  >  The J-MCP Summer Program started

2023.08.21Advanced Programs

The J-MCP Summer Program started

Despite the intense heat prevailing in Osaka, Japan, the dynamic J-MCP Summer Program has officially commenced during the Obon break. Our program's first day coincided with a typhoon – but of course, nothing can stop our program! In the summer of 2023, focusing on 21st Century Skills, we are thrilled to welcome more than 50 students from diverse corners of the globe including the United States, Spain, Canada, Russia, the Philippines, and, of course, Japan. The first week was dedicated to honing presentation skills and nurturing intercultural competence – pivotal attributes for individuals aspiring to become global citizens of the 21st century. With great anticipation, we await the students' hot discussions and collaborative endeavors throughout this summer's program.