Advanced Programs

 >  Advanced Programs  >  UMAP-COIL Joint Honors Program : August 7th - 8th Activities Report

2019.08.08Advanced Programs

UMAP-COIL Joint Honors Program : August 7th - 8th Activities Report


On August 7th, our Joint Honors Program participants continued their activities in Hiroshima, attending the “SDGs Action Challenge" onboard seminar, a lecture on "Gender, Peace and Security," and a further public lecture on the Sustainable Development Goals. Afterward they worked on delivering an SDG project that involved providing information activities to be delivered to onboard guests via information booths.





On August 8th, they docked in Kagoshima and toured Kagoshima University where they attended several presentations.

Following the campus visit, the students visited several local attractions (including shrine and scenic lookout overlooking main city area) and visited community-based NPO (Ten Lab), where they took part in discussions about local issues and economic growth related to SDG #8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth) applying what they had learned previously about SDGs. 


The students used their free time to explore more of the port area, stopping by Terukuni Shinto shrine and the Shiroyama Observatory.