Advanced Programs

 >  Advanced Programs  >  IIGE Welcomes UMAP-COIL Joint Honors Program Participants to Osaka

2019.07.28Advanced Programs

IIGE Welcomes UMAP-COIL Joint Honors Program Participants to Osaka


11 International students from 5 countries (Malaysia, Philippines,  Taiwan, Thailand, and the US) arrived safely in Japan on Saturday July 27th to kick off the UMAP-COIL Joint Honors Program Osaka Seminar.



After resting and recovering from their jet lag, Joint Honors Program students had a full day of activities on their first day of program orientation at the Kansai University Kogaku-kan. 


They were introduced to their program leaders and IIGE staff, and broke out into their pre-assigned COIL groups to continue working on their SDG assignments. In the evening they enjoyed free time around Takatsuki city and soaking in the relaxing public bath at the Kogaku-kan.




In this eight-day program in Osaka (July 27th-August 4th, 2019), the students will take part in various exposure programs, Japanese language and culture classes, and orientation hosted by Kansai University at the Kogaku-Kan Seminar House in Takatsuki, Osaka. 


Stay up to date with Osaka Camp activities by checking out the IIGE Insagram (updated daily).
