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2023.04.28About COILCOIL Course Example

COIL with Portland State University

On April 27, 2023, Kansai University students met with their peers at Portland State University (PSU) on Zoom to embark on their COIL project. The main objective of this initiative is to provide participating students at KU and PSU with an opportunity to enhance their global learning experiences by working on the project together.


To achieve this goal, the students have been divided into four groups, where they will collaborate and compare Japan and the United States on their topic of choice. Through this exercise, the students will not only learn about the topic at hand but also gain insights into the cultural and societal differences between the two countries.


During the first meeting, the students were given a chance to get acquainted with their team members and introduce themselves online. They also discussed the project's scope and expectations. Going forward, the students will be using digital platforms such as Discord to communicate and work on their group projects.