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Research Activities

Cultural Interactions of Thought and Arts in East Asia

Period of Study


Study Theme

Cultural Interaction Studies of Philosophies, Thought, Literature, and Art in East Asia

Purpose of Study

   平城宮 東院庭園


平城宮 東院庭園



Our research group studies phenomena such as cultural propagation, exchange, conflict, and decline from the perspective of cultural interaction, with a focus on East Asian thought, religion, literature, and art.
The introduction of Confucianism from China and Buddhism from India to various parts of Asia caused a number of changes in each region, including the creation of new cultures. Writings in Chinese characters, including literary works, became the standard literature of East Asia, and this in turn gave rise to major cultural phenomena. The Analects and Lotus Sutra became important classics in Japan and South Korea, and standard reading throughout East Asia. Tang poets such as Li Bai and Du Fu also contributed to the cultural foundations of East Asia. Taoism had a limited but powerful influence. Chinese paintings and Buddhist statues also had a major impact on East Asia as a whole.
With these influences, unique cultures were formed in Japan, South Korea, and regions such as Vietnam. An in-depth study of these topics may clarify phenomena related to East Asian thought, religion, literature, and art from the perspective of cultural interaction.

Group Members

長谷部 剛(文学部 教授)
Tsuyoshi Hasebe: Professor, Faculty of Letters
  吾妻 重二(文学部 教授)
Juji Azuma: Professor, Faculty of Letters
  酒井 真道(文学部 教授)
Masamichi Sakai: Professor, Faculty of Letters
  陶 徳民(客員研究員、関西大学 名誉教授)
Demin Tao: Visiting Researcher (Honorary professor, Kansai University)
  橋本 昭典(客員研究員、奈良教育大学 教授)
Akinori Hashimoto: Visiting Researcher (Professor, Nara Women's University)
  村木 桂子(非常勤研究員)
Keiko Muraki: Part-time Researcher
  山寺 美紀子(非常勤研究員)
Mikiko Yamadera: Part-time Researcher
  劉 書ギョク(非常勤研究員)
Shuyu Liu: Part-time Researcher
  杜 絡嘉(準研究員)
Luojia Du: Junior Researcher
  欒 暁涵(準研究員)
Xiaohan Luan: Junior Researcher


Urban Heritage and Religious Culture Research Group

Period of Study


Study Theme

East Asian Urban Heritage and Religious Culture

研究目的および研究の特色 Purpose of Study

平城宮 東院庭園

平城宮 東院庭園

杭州 浄慈寺

杭州 浄慈寺


This research group focuses on events in and aspects of temples, shrines, and religious culture within the cultural heritage that developed in ancient and medieval cities such as Asuka, Naniwa, Nara, and Kyoto, and examines their historical and cultural evolution. Previous research examining the development of temples, shrines, and religious culture has not considered the local characteristics of Japan in depth, and has neglected to observe its relationship with East Asia more broadly. In addition to considering the local characteristics of Asuka, Naniwa, Nara, and Kyoto, this research group will examine relationships with religious facilities and religious culture in East Asian countries such as China, Korea, Ryukyu, Khitan, and Vietnam. Further, by the perspective of the history of cultural interactions, it will investigate the development and transformation of temples, shrines, and religious culture in ancient and medieval cities in Japan.

Group Members

西本 昌弘(文学部 教授)
Masahiro Nishimoto: Professor, Faculty of Letters
  井上 主税(文学部 教授)
Chikara Inoue: Professor, Faculty of Letters
  長谷 洋一(文学部 教授)
Yoichi Hase: Professor, Faculty of Letters
  原田 正俊(文学部 教授)
Masatoshi Harada: Professor, Faculty of Letters
  鈴木 景二(委嘱研究員、富山大学 教授)
Keiji Suzuki: Adjunct Researcher (Associate Professor, Toyama University)
  西光 慎治(客員研究員、奈良県明日香村教育委員会事務局文化財課 課長補佐)
Shinji Saiko:Visiting Researcher (Assistant director, Cultural properties Division, Asuka village board of Education, Nara prefecture)
  曽 昭駿(客員研究員、浙江工商大学 専任講師)
Zhaojun Zeng: Visiting Researcher (Full-time Lecturer, Zhejiang Gongshang University)
  大谷 渡(非常勤研究員)
Wataru Ohya: Part-time Researcher
  宮嶋 純子(非常勤研究員)
Junko Miyajima: Part-time Researcher
  山口 哲史(非常勤研究員)
Satoshi Yamaguchi: Part-time Researcher
  劉 文婷(準研究員)
Wenting Liu: Junior Researcher


Studies on Representations of Landscape

Period of Study


Study Theme

A study of the comparative cultural history of landscape representations

Purpose of Study








This research group studies various forms of landscape representation from multiple perspectives, including history, geography, art, literature, and environmental urban studies, with the aim of constructing a comparative cultural history of landscape representation.
“Landscape” exists in all time periods and in all places. However, landscape representation, which can include landscape pictures, photographs, maps, pictorial maps, buildings, and basic structures, is the result of sophisticated cultural activities based on human attitudes toward the natural environment, and appears in various guises. The dynamic and fluid correlation between humans and the natural environment varies from place to place and from time to time, and its spirituality and technical conditions create infinite possibilities for representation.
This research group studies the various landscape representations that have been realized in this way. In addition to, conducting research based on the traditional regional divisions of Asia and the West, it also adopts a comprehensive comparative cultural and historical approach, taking into account the correlation between natural landscapes and the urban environment, the political and economic historical context of colonization, and the perspective of historical and historiographical landscape representations.

Group Members

嶋中 博章(文学部 准教授)
Hiroaki Shimanaka: Associate Professor, Faculty of Letters
  岡 絵理子(環境都市工学部 教授)
Eriko Oka: Professor, Faculty of Environmental and Urban Engineering
  森本 慶太(文学部 准教授)
Keita Morimoto: Associate Professor, Faculty of Letters
  林 倫子(環境都市工学部 准教授)
Michiko Hayashi: Associate Professor, Faculty of Environmental and Urban Engineering
  蜷川 順子(客員研究員、関西大学 名誉教授)
Junko Ninagawa: Visiting Researcher (Honorary professor, Kansai University)
  野間 晴雄(客員研究員、関西大学 名誉教授)
Haruo Noma: Visiting Researcher (Honorary professor, Kansai University)
  田邊 めぐみ(非常勤研究員)
Megumi Tanabe: Part-time Researcher
  藤井 信之(非常勤研究員)
Nobuyuki Fujii: Part-time Researcher
  毛利 美穂(非常勤研究員)
Mori Miho: Part-time Researcher
  徐 雨辰(準研究員)
Yuchen Xu: Junior Researcher
  劉 天星(準研究員)
Tianxing Liu: Junior Researcher


Studies of Japanese Language and Culture

Period of Study


Study Theme

The inside and outside of the culture of the Japanese Language

Purpose of Study




This research group studies “the inside and outside of Japanese language and culture.” The group’s research examines the relationship between internal and external aspects of Japanese literature, which can be considered an embodiment of Japanese language and culture, from ancient to modern times.
If one considers native speakers of Japanese as internal to Japanese language and culture, two major issues emerge: the reception of foreign cultures moving toward the inside, and the influence of Japanese culture moving outward toward foreign cultures. Examining this point will relativize the internal and external aspects of Japanese language and culture, advancing research on “the inside and outside of Japanese language and culture” from a broader perspective.
In time, this should lead to a relativization of the internal/external perspective itself, and this process of relativization may in turn open up new research perspectives.

Group Members

村田 右富実(文学部 教授)
Migifumi Murata: Professor, Faculty of Letters
  関 肇(文学部 教授)
Hajime Seki: Professor, Faculty of Letters
  高橋 美帆(文学部 教授)
Miho Takahashi: Professor, Faculty of Letters
  増田 周子(文学部 教授)
Syuko Masuda: Professor, Faculty of Letters
  関屋 俊彦(客員研究員、関西大学 名誉教授)
Toshihiko Sekiya: Visiting Researcher (Honorary professor, Kansai University)
  山本 登朗(客員研究員、関西大学 名誉教授)
Tokuro Yamamoto: Visiting Researcher (Honorary professor, Kansai University)
  小田 芳寿(非常勤研究員)
Yoshihisa Oda: Part-time Researcher
  北井 佑実子(非常勤研究員)
Yumiko Kitai: Part-time Researcher
  中葉 芳子(非常勤研究員)
Yoshiko Nakaba: Part-time Researcher
  福留 瑞美(非常勤研究員)
Mizumi Fukudome: Part-time Researcher


Cities as centers of conflict and acculturalization in East and West

Period of Study


Study Theme

Exploration of cultural conflict and accommodation in Eastern and Western cities old and new

Purpose of Study

   首相就任より遙か前の2004年に、自作の小説を自信ありげに発表していたボリス・ジョンソン。その内容は性差別的かつイスラモフォビックだとして批判されている。The Times(2019年7月26日)より。

首相就任より遙か前の2004年に、自作の小説を自信ありげに発表していたボリス・ジョンソン。その内容は性差別的かつイスラモフォビックだとして批判されている。The Times(2019年7月26日)より。

1373年にアイルランドのウォーターフォードで作成された勅許状に描かれたエドワード3世(在位1327-1377)の肖像(Waterford Museum of Treasures所蔵)

1373年にアイルランドのウォーターフォードで作成された勅許状に描かれたエドワード3世(在位1327-1377)の肖像(Waterford Museum of Treasures所蔵)






The purpose of our research is to explore cultural conflict and accommodation in old and new Eastern and Western cities as represented in literature. Our study covers a wide range of time and space—cities and areas with various cultural, social, political and historical backgrounds from the early middle ages to the present day: chronologically, from 8th-century Nara to medieval Wales, 14th-centry Waterford, 19th-centry St Petersburg, ending with contemporary London, Hamburg, Karachi and Raqqa. Our approaches and methodologies, which vary according to time and place, include narratology, multilingualism, cultural geography and cultural representation. The aim is to look for common denominators and shared trends while being cognizant of differences.

Group Members

和田 葉子(外国語学部 教授)
Yoko Wada: Professor, Faculty of Foreign Language Studies
  板倉 厳一郎(文学部 教授)
Genichiro Itakura: Professor, Faculty of Letters
  ローベルト・ヴィットカンプ(文学部 教授)
Robert Wittkamp: Professor, Faculty of Letters
  近藤 昌夫(外国語学部 教授)
Masao Kondo: Professor, Faculty of Foreign Language Studies
  アンドリュー・チャールズ・ブリーズ(在外委嘱研究員、ナヴァラ大学 教授)
Andrew Charles Breeze: Adjunct Researcher (Professor, University of Navarra)
  朝治 啓三(客員研究員、関西大学 名誉教授)
Keizo Asaji: Visiting Researcher (Honorary professor, Kansai University)
  パトリック・ポール・オニール(客員研究員、ノースカロライナ大学チャペルヒル校 名誉教授)
Patrick Paul O'Neill: Visiting Researcher (Honorary professor, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)
