


【Mi-Room】春学期GTAセッションの変更のお知らせ/ Change in GTA Sessions for Spring Semester

【Mi-Room Sessions News】


GTA sessions starting on May 13!
*English follows Japanese

6/25 Update 6月28日にすべてのセッション、27日にはバーチャルMi-Roomが終了します!
All sessions will end on 28 June and the virtual Mi-Room on 27 June.

5/30 Update

さんのLGBTQ+ Hitory in Americaについて、6月より火曜日の分が全て中止となり、水曜日の分の実施時間が11:00-12:50に変更になります(1時間50分通しで開催。途中入退室可)。

There is going to be small changes in GTA Ven’s “LGBTQ+ History in America” from June; all the Tuesday sessions will be cancelled, instead the Wednesday sessions will be held between 11:00AM and 12:50PM (1h30min session. You can join and leave during the session).

🌸Mi-Room セッションとは?
GTA(Global Teaching Assisstant:国際部学生スタッフ)が担当する様々な語学のセッションです!




  *オンラインは火曜15:50-16:50及び木曜13:00-14:00のVirtual Mi-Room実施日のみ。
・対象:本学学生(留学生も参加OK) 参加費:無料 


Multilingual Immersion Roomの略で、日常では得られない異文化体験や国際交流を実体験できるグローバル・コミュニケーションスペースです。語学力の向上はもちろん、国際感覚を培うことができます。

【Virtual Mi-Roomとは?】
関大生と海外学生が自由に出入りできるバーチャルスペース"oVice"にて気軽なチャットができます。バーチャル空間(oVice)はZoomとは異なり、自分のアバターを使って移動します! 他の参加学生とリアルで隣にいるように交流ができます!

GTAとはGlobal Teaching Assistantの略でMI-Roomのセッションを担当する学生スタッフのことです。

関西大学 国際部 国際教育支援チーム Mi-Room担当

🌸What's Mi-Room Session
The language or cultural lessons offered by the Global Teaching Assistants (GTA) , student staff members at the Divisions of International Affairs.
You can experience language/cultural interactions through various activities in their sessions, such as discussions, playing games, etc.  

🌸We recommend the GTA sessions to those who...
・want to improve in their language skills 
・want to experience different cultures from all over the world
・want to make friends with local or international students at KU

We welcome all the passionate learners, regardless of theirs language skills!

🌸Session Details

Type: in-person or online*
  *Online sessions will be only offered on Tuesdays 3:50-4:50PM and Thursdays   1-   2PM, when the Virtual Mi-Room is open. 
 ・For in-person sessions: Mi-Room(2nd floor of Area 2, Bldg. 1, Senriyama campus)
 ・For online sessions: Virtual Space oVice (
  *For how to use the online space, please check this video.
・Eligibility: KU students (including international students)
・Cost: Free 
Reservation: Not required. Please go to the Mi-Room at the time of the in-person sessions, or access to the virtual space above at the time of online sessions. 
Session Schedule: Please refer to the timetable attached. 

【Symbolic references on the table】
●→offered in Japanese
★→offered in English
(Some sessions will be conducted in both languages)
🔰→for the beginner of the target language

【What's Mi-room?】
The Mi-Room is an experiential learning environment where students utilize
their existing language skills and synthesize them with newly acquired knowledge and experience in a practical, tangible manner.The Mi-Room also has facilities for self-study, and provides an environment for people wishing to meet international students and experience cross-cultural communication in a meaningful way.

【What's Virtual Mi-Room?】
An online interaction space where Kansai University students and students overseas can join together and casually communicate with each other. This virtual space (oVice) is different from other meeting tools like Zoom, in a sense that you can easily go around the room set in the space using your own avatar. This function will make you feel as if you are interacting with others in person.

【What's GTA】
GTA stands for Global Teaching Assistant, student staff who assist with the various activities held at Mi-Room.

Mi-Room,  International Education Support Office, Division of International Affairs, Kansai University