RISS Workshop
- Date
- October 15, 2019 18:00-20:00
- Lecturer
- Jauer Chen (Associate professor, Tokyo International University)
- Title
- “Causal Random Forests Model using Instrumental Variable Quantile Regression”
- Abstract
- We propose an econometric procedure based mainly on the generalized random forests method of Athey, Tibshirani and Wager (2019, The Annals of Statistics). Not only does this process estimate the conditional quantile treatment effect nonparametrically, but our procedure yields a measure of variable importance in terms of heterogeneity among control variables. We also apply the proposed procedure to reinvestigate the distributional effect of 401(k) participation on net financial assets, and the quantile earnings effect of participating in a job training program.
RISS Workshop
- Date
- October 3, 2019 17:00-
- Lecturer
- Jean-Baptiste Michau (Ecole Polytechnique, Department of Economics, Professor)
- Title
- Helicopter Drops of Money under Secular Stagnation
- Abstract
- What are the effects of helicopter drops of money under secular stagnation? This paper shows that, if the government cannot sustain a Ponzi debt scheme under full employment, then helicopter drops of money cannot transfer real wealth to households under secular stagnation. In that case, despite being in a permanent liquidity trap, a one-off helicopter drop triggers an upward jump in the price level, without any real effect on the economy. Conversely, if a Ponzi scheme can be sustained, then the helicopter drop can stimulate aggregate demand by raising household wealth. If the stagnation real interest rate is larger than the economic growth rate, the economy converges to full employment and a sustainable Ponzi scheme and, otherwise, it gradually reverts back to stagnation. Finally, continuous helicopter drops of money under stagnation must induce the economy to reach a full employment steady state, with or without a Ponzi scheme.
ISER-RISS Experimental Economics Workshop
- Date
- July 19, 2019 10:00-17:10
- Co-sponsored
- Institute of Social and Economic Research of Osaka University
- Lecturer
&Title - 10:00-10:40
Takehito Masuda, Osaka University
"Strategic Ambiguity and Probabilistic Sophistication"
Kenju Kamei, Durham University
"The Perverse Costly Signaling Effect on Cooperation under the Shadow of the Future"
Eungik Lee, New York University
"Probability weighting and cognitive ability"
Takashi Hayashi, University of Glasgow
"General Equilibrium Performance of Partial Equilibrium Mechanisms: an Experiment"
Taizo Motonishi, Kansai University
"Is Financial Literacy a Dangerous Thing?: Financial Literacy, Behavioral Factors, and Financial Choices of Households" - Details
- Click here for details.
RISS Seminar Series on Experimental Economics
- Program
- Date
- July 17, 2019 16:00-17:30
- Lecturer
- Konrad Grabiszewski (Mohammad bin Salman College (MBSC), Saudi Arabia)
- Title
- Adverse Selection and Safety Regulation
RISS Workshop
- Date
- June 17, 2019 18:00-19:30
- Co-sponsored
- The Economic Society of Kansai University
- Lecturer
- Yu Awaya (Assistant Professor, University of Rochester)
- Title
- Startups and Upstarts (co-authored with Vijay Krishna)
- Abstract
- We study a continuous-time R&D race between an established firm and a startup under asymmetric information. R&D investment brings success stochastically but only if the innovation is feasible. The only asymmetry between the firms is that the established firm has better information about the feasibility of the innovation. We show that there is an equilibrium in which the poorly-informed startup wins more often, and has higher expected profits, than the better-informed incumbent. When the informational asymmetry is large, this is the unique equilibrium outcome. Even though better information is available competitive disadvantage, the value of information is positive.
Workshop on Behavioral Contract Thoery
- Date
- April 20, 2019 10:00-17:40
- Co-sponsored
- Contract Theory Workshop
- Lecturer
&Title - 10:05-10:50
Hideshi Itoh (Waseda U)
"Image Concerns in Teams"
Matthias Fahn (JKU Linz)
"Reciprocity in Dynamic Employment Relationships"
Heiko Karle (Frankfurt School of Finance & Management)
"Consumer Search and the Uncertainty Effect"
Takeshi Murooka (Osaka U)
"Zero Prices: Optimal Pricing of Experience Goods under Consumer Loss Aversion"
Fabian Herweg (U Bayreuth)
"Salience in Retailing: Vertical Restraints on Internet Sales"
Antonio Rosato (UTS)
"Projection of Private Values in Auctions"
Keynote: Paul Heidhues (DICE)
"Identifying Procrastination from the Timing of Choices" - Details
- Click here for details.
RISS Seminar Series
- Date
- January 31, 2019 15:00-16:30
- Co-sponsored
- The Economic Society of Kansai University
- Lecturer
- Giacomo Rondina (University of California, San Diego, Department of Economics, Associate Teaching Professor)
- Title
- Samuelson's Dictum: Evidence, Theory, and Implications
RISS Seminar Series
- Program
- Date
- December 12, 2018 17:00-18:00
- Lecturer
- Desmond (Ho-Fu) Lo (Associate Professor, Santa Clara University)
- Title
- Coordination and Organization Design: Theory and Micro-evidence
The 12th CEE and RISS Seminar Series on Experimental Economics
- Date
- July 5, 2018 14:00-15:30
- Co-sponsored
- Center of Experimental Economics, Kansai University
- Lecturer
- Alex R. Horenstein (Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, University of Miami)
- Title
- Tree construction and backward induction: a mobile experiment
RISS Seminar on Empirical Micro Analysis
- Program
- Date
- April 25, 2018 17:00-18:30
- Co-sponsored
- The Economic Society of Kansai University
- Chair
- Akira Ishii (Professor, Faculty of Economics, Kansai University)
- Lecturer
- Desmond (Ho-Fu) Lo (Associate Professor of Marketing, Leavey School of Business, Santa Clara University)
- Title
- Effort and Compensation in Relational Contracts