RISS Workshop
- Date
- June 30,2021 16:30-17:30
- Venue
- Online(Zoom)
- Lecturer
- Taizo Motonishi(Professor, Faculty of Economics,Kansai University)
- Title
- "Is nationwide screening for obesity and cardiometabolic risks in Japan effective?"
- Abstract
- This paper clarifies the effects of nationwide screening for obesity and cardiometabolic risks in Japan.
A regression discontinuity design is used to analyze the NDB data to explore the impact of being judged eligible for the specific health guidance on people's health status and behavior.
International Workshop for Lab and Field Experiments
- Date
- March 17-18, 2021
- Venue
Umeda Campus, Kansai University, Osaka, JapanThis workshop will be held online.- Co-organized
- Japanese Economic Association,Research Center for Behavioral Economics,
Institute of Social and Economic Research, Osaka University, and
Institute of Socionetwork Strategy Research, Kansai University - SCOPE
- Experiments, both laboratory and field, were once considered to be impossible in economics. They are now, however, considered to be a main research method in economics. These changes are reflected in the list of recent winners of Nobel Prize in economics: on one hand, Vernon Smith (winner in 2002) and Al Roth (winner in 2012) have deep connections with the development of experimental studies in the lab., on the other hand, Elenor Ostrom (winner in 2009), Abhijit Banerjee, Esther Duflo, and Michael Kremer (winners in 2019) with field experiments.
While laboratory experiments mainly aim to test theoretical implications or functioning of various economic mechanisms in highly controlled settings, field experiments aim to do so in more natural settings. Furthermore, field experiments, especially, through randomized controlled trials, aim to evaluate the effectiveness of various economic policies.
Despite this global development in the field of economics, researchers employing experimental methods in their research are still merely a small minority among Japanese economists. To boost the field of experimental economics in Japan by providing an international forum for researchers to exchange their ideas and problems, we invite you to submit your research covering a broad range of topics related to economic experiments to be presented at this two-day international workshop. We welcome any topics of laboratory and field experiments, and encourage especially young researchers to submit their work.
Selected papers presented at this workshop will be published in a special issue of Japanese Economic Review which is scheduled to be published in January 2022. - KEYNOTE SPEAKERS
- John Duffy (Professor, Department of Economics, University of California, Irvine, United States)
Lata Gangadharan (Professor of Economics and Joe Isaac Chair of Business and Economics, Monash University, Australia)
RISS Workshop
- Date
- February 18, 2021 16:30-18:00
- Venue
- Online(Zoom)
- Speaker
- Yosuke Hashidate (Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Waseda University)
- Title
- “Stochastic Choice and Social Preferences: Inequity Aversion versus Shame Aversion”
- Abstract
- In this paper, we propose a theory to identify the motivations behind altruistic or prosocial behavior. We focus on inequity aversion and shame aversion as social image concerns. To study these, we characterize two additively perturbed utility models, that is, the sum of expected utility and a non-linear cost function. First, we examine how to distinguish between stochastic inequity-averse behavior and stochastic shame-averse behavior. Next, we show that additively perturbed inequity-averse utility captures the general class of inequity-averse preferences, including ex-ante and ex-post fairness. Finally, we consider the relationship between our models and random utility, one of the most common stochastic choice models.
RISS Seminar(テーマ:広告効果測定)
- Date
- February 18, 2021 9:00-17:00
- Venue
- Zoom
- Theme
- 広告効果測定
- Organizers
- Zhen Li (Toyo University) / Keiji Takai (Kansai University) / Takanobu Nakahara (Senshu University)
- Program
- 9:00-9:10
9:10 - 10:00
Keynote Speech (関西大学・矢田先生)
10:00 - 10:50
Keynote Speech (慶應義塾大学・里村先生)
10:50 - 11:10
11:10 - 12:00
Keynote Speech
消費者意思決定における眼球運動測定と解析 (早稲田大学・竹村先生)
12:00 - 13:00
13:00 - 13:45
Why am I More Indulging: The Effects of Time on (Un)Healthy Food Purchases (東洋大学・李)
13:45 - 14:30
負の二項分布モデルによるチラシ掲載効果の検証 (関西大学・高井)
14:30 - 15:00
SNSにおける広告形式と消費者行動 (東洋大学・李ゼミ(泉山・早川・北村・胡・姜))
15:00 - 15:15
15:15 - 15:45
物語広告と製品関与度 (東洋大学・峰尾ゼミ(朝倉・岸・倉品・鈴木・成毛・森))
15:45 - 16:15
CGCブランドに着目した購買行動モデルの構築 (専修大学・中原ゼミ(工藤・髙橋・井原・⻫藤・照井・木所・船越・中村萌・梅村))
16:15 - 16:45
商品選択における価格敏感度の影響 (関西大学大学院・矢田ゼミ(王)) - Entry fee
- Free
RISS Seminar(共催:日本原価計算研究学会関西関東合同部会)
- Date
- February 10, 2021 9:00-
- Venue
- Zoom
- Co-organized
- 日本原価計算研究学会 関東・関西部会
関西大学 ソシオネットワーク戦略研究機構 - Program
- ◆開会の挨拶 9:30~
◆Ⅰ アイトラッキング実験について
Tobii社アイトラッキング機器の説明 (Tobii 星飛雄馬氏)
関西大学ソシオネットワーク戦略研究機構 実験施設の説明
アイトラッカー利用の研究事例(兵庫県立大学 石橋健氏)
◆Ⅱ 自由論題(報告25分 質疑応答15分)
◇10:55-12:15 第1報告および第2報告
石川潔 (日本経済大学大学院)
◆閉会挨拶 12:15~
計測インフォマティクス共同研究会 講演会
- Date
- December 29,2020 10:00-12:00
- Venue
- Zoom
- Sponsers
- 関西大学ソシオネットワーク戦略研究機構公募研究班「視線追跡データとパスデータの融合」、
関西大学研究拠点形成支援経費「アイトラッキングを用いた会計研究拠点の形成」 - Program
- ● 10:00-11:30
鷲尾 隆 教授 (大阪大学 産業科学研究所)
● 11:30-12:00
質疑時間 - Details
- Click here for details.
第24回 日本知能情報ファジィ学会 しなやかな行動の脳工学研究部会研究会 関西大学ソシオネットワーク戦略研究機構共催 シンポジウム講演会
- Date
- December 24,2020 12:50-16:30
- Venue
- Zoom
- Theme
- 「通信が人をつむぐレジリエントで持続可能な社会デザインの実現に向けて」
- Hosted
- 関西大学ソシオネットワーク戦略研究機構
- Sponsers
- 日本知能情報ファジィ学会 しなやかな行動の脳工学研究部会
- Program
- ● 12:50~13:00 開催挨拶:本西 泰三(関西大学 経済学部)
● 13:00~14:00 講演1:
「テレビ番組のネット配信について- Tverの利用実態と放送の「公共性」 -」
春日 教測(甲南大学 経済学部)
司会:本西 泰三(関西大学 経済学部)
● 14:10~15:10 講演2:
「どこでもセンサ・安心安全ネットワーク都市 ―移動するセンサからのアプローチ―」
熊澤 宏之(大阪産業大学 工学部)
司会:三好 哲也(阪南大学 経営情報学部)
2.高精細なカメラや種々センサを搭載したドローンが安価に入手可能になり、新たな情報獲得手段として注目されている。その応用例として、農園の上空をドローンで飛行して撮像した画像から、農園に植えられている農園の果樹の識別を行うことを試みている。果樹の識別には深層学習の一つであるCNN (Convolutional Neural Network)を用いており、いくつかの検討結果について報告する。
● 15:20~16:20 講演3:
岡田 朋之(関西大学 総合情報学部)
司会:林 勲(関西大学 総合情報学部)
● 16:20~16:30 閉会挨拶:林 勲(関西大学 総合情報学部) - Entry fee
- Free
RISS Workshop
- Date
- December 15,2020 16:30-18:00
- Venue
- Zoom
- Lecturer
- Kenju Kamei(Associate professor,University of Durham)
- Title
- “Free Riding and Workplace Democracy – Heterogeneous Task Preferences and Sorting” (with Thomas Markussen at Univ. Copenhagen)
- Abstract
- A novel laboratory experiment is used to show that mismatching between task preferences and task assignment undermines worker productivity and leads to free riding in teams. We elicit task preferences from all workers. Workers’ endogenous sorting into tasks significantly improves productivity under individual-based remuneration (performance pay). Under team-based remuneration (revenue sharing), free riding is significant, but almost exclusively among those working on undesired tasks. Task selection by majority voting in teams alleviates free riding, but only partly so, because some workers are still assigned to undesired tasks. Our findings have broad implications for research using real effort tasks.
RISS Workshop
- Date
- December 1,2020 16:30-18:00
- Venue
- Zoom
- Lecturer
- Kengo Kurosaka(Associate professor,The Faculty of Economic Sciences,Hiroshima Shudo University)
- Title
- "Endogenous Timing and Income Inequality in the Voluntary Provision of Public Goods: Theory and Experiment”
- Abstract
- This paper theoretically and experimentally investigates the effects of potential donors' heterogeneous incomes on the timing and level of contributions to public goods when timings are endogenously determined by contributors. To this end, we use the conventional voluntary provision model of Warr (1983) and Bergstrom et al. (1986) except for Cobb-Douglas preferences augmented with a two-stage game of Hamilton and Slutsky (1990). The following three results are obtained. First, when income is extremely unequal, potential contributors are indifferent between simultaneous and sequential moves in the contribution game, even if they have different preferences toward a public good. Second, as income inequality decreases, the simultaneous-move contribution game is more likely to emerge because each potential contributor prefers to act as a leader. Third, most of the theoretical predictions regarding the timing decisions and the level of contributions to public goods are supported by our laboratory experiment.
RISS Workshop
- Date
- November 26,2020 16:30-18:00
- Venue
- Zoom
- Lecturer
- Yutaka Shoji(Ph.D. program,Kyoto University)
- Title
- "How consulting function of banks influence their performance? -A simulation analysis-"
- Abstract
- Currently, profitability is one of the most important issues in Japanese regional bank management. In the situation of low interest rate, supporting to customer firm management have practiced as a means of revenue improvement, because main revenue source of regional banks is loans to customer firms.
However, little is known about the relationship between supporting to customer and the profitability of regional bank.
This study analyzes this relationship by using computer simulation. To simulate, we model a regional bank’s financing and supporting activity and plural firms’ administrative activity.
The result of simulation shows that the relationship between supporting and profitability of regional bank vary depending on degree of environmental change, supporting ability of regional bank, and selection criterion of supporting firms.