12-Year Integrated Education
Elementary School→Junior High School→Senior High School Nurturing children under an integrated 12-year educational system
Kansai University Elementary School is the only elementary school under Kansai University, and is located on the same campus as Kansai University Junior and Senior High School. We have developed systematic curriculums in collaboration with the Junior and Senior High School, to provide an integrated 12-year education program. This system also enables children to see students in junior and senior high school as their role models, and to feel secure even after graduation from elementary school because their former teachers are on the same campus. We believe that all these factors make a significant contribution to the healthy growth of children.
Takatsuki Muse Campus
Conveniently located near JR Takatsuki Station
Takatsuki Muse Campus is an about a 7-minute walk from JR Takatsuki Station and a 10-minute walk from Hankyu Takatsuki Station, almost exactly half way between Osaka and Kyoto. Kansai University Elementary School and Junior and Senior High School are located in this urban campus.
The name of the Takatsuki Muse Campus is derived from the Muses, or Greek Goddesses of inspiration in literature, science and arts. As its name suggests, the campus is fully equipped with modern facilities and equipment necessary for enhancing exceptional academic abilities and rich interaction. Every classroom has an electronic blackboard. The school also has multimedia rooms, English-language classrooms, two libraries, a heated indoor pool, and an artificial turf field.
Educational Ideal
Providing children with the joy of thinking for themselves
With the development of “the ability to think for oneself” as the core of our education, we build strong minds in our children.
Kansai University Elementary School places prime importance on the “development of the ability to think.” To survive in an increasingly complex world, children need to develop a flexible mind and the ability to take action. Our integrated 12-year education program enables every child to develop their power of thinking. In addition to the MUSE learning program designed for children to acquire thinking skills, we provide various educational programs to foster their ability to think for themselves, making full use of our libraries and ICT environment. We also help children to develop the ability to connect with the world through English and other classes to promote international understanding. Through these programs, children learn basic skills necessary to play an active role on the global stage in the future.
Promoting sound mind and body
The six years of elementary school play a crucial part in developing a sound mind and body.
We also place primary importance on developing rich interaction and a sound mind and body during the elementary school years. Our educational programs are designed for children to establish a healthy lifestyle, strong moral fiber, and human decency through a wide variety of activities.
School meals
Meals, including fruits and vegetables in season, are prepared in our on-site school kitchen. The children enjoy well-balanced freshly-cooked meals.
Moral education
Emphasis is also placed on moral education. Children are encouraged to do cleaning with a sense of appreciation, and to greet each other heartily.
Security measures
School security officers are stationed at school gates and other key locations. To ensure the security and safety of our students, we have taken various other security measures.
Expanding students’ potential with a 12-year integrated education program
This March, the first group of students that entered our elementary school during its inception, graduated from the integrated high school, and left our Muse campus for university.
During their time at elementary school, they learned how to organize and present their own thoughts; skills taught to them during Muse and subject classes. While listening and exchanging ideas with their classmates, they were able to analyze and internalize information. In addition, they were able to cultivate different perspectives through international exchanges with overseas children, as well as through exploring different issues on their own.
From these experiences, the March graduates made promising comments such as, “I want to enroll in the Faculty of Law to help other lawyers in the future,” “I want to work in a job where I can bring smiles to children around the world,” and “I wish to work in a position that can bridge Japan and the world.” I am proud that these robust, yet adaptable, Muse graduates possess these great dreams.
Our faculty and staff will continue to do their very best this year, and every year, in supporting our students to achieve their dreams.
Kansai University Elementary, Junior, and High School Senior Advisor
Tatsuya Tanaka