


共催: 経済学会

日時: 2019年10月9日(水)17:00~

場所: 関西大学千里山キャンパス
    ソシオネットワーク戦略研究機構 6階 マルチメディア・ラボ

報告者: 室岡 健志 氏 (大阪大学 国際公共政策研究科)

タイトル: Fragile Self-Esteem (joint with Koszegi and George Loewenstein)


We develop a model in which a person's self-esteem is determined by sampling from her store of ego-relevant memories in a fashion that in turn depends on her self-esteem. This feedback mechanism can create multiple "self-esteem personal equilibria," making self-esteem fragile -- subject to swings that are out of proportion to the objective evidentiary value of new information. Self-esteem is especially likely to be fragile, as well as unrealistic in either the positive or the negative direction, if self-esteem is an important ingredient of overall utility. We show that fragile self-esteem has diverse consequences, such as producing a negative relationship between effort and incentives, and various forms of information-avoidance, with consequences for domains such as education and job search.
