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 ・志望課程:博士課程前期課程 / 博士課程後期課程 / 外国人研究生選考

  ●●●●年●月~●●●●年●月 ●●小学校 卒業
  ●●●●年●月~●●●●年●月 ●●中学校 卒業
  ●●●●年●月~●●●●年●月 ●●高等学校 卒業
  ●●●●年●月~●●●●年●月 ●●大学 ●学部 ●学科 卒業

  日本語能力:JLPT N●級 / 日本留学試験 日本語●点(記述問題を含む)
  外国語検定試験:TOEIC L&Rテスト ●点 / TOEFL iBTテスト ●点

関西大学 入試センター 大学院入試グループ



Before contacting us, please check our website of Graduate School Admissions or make use of chatbot.
※Depending on the request, it might take some time.

When contacting us, please email to the Graduate School Admissions Division.
Please make sure the email includes your inquiry and your history as shown below.

【You would like to apply for】;
Master’s Degree / Ph.D.Drgree / Foreign Research Student
Graduate School of ●●, Major:●●, Discipline:●●
A type of entrance exam: Regular / International Student / Concurrent Application of Regular and Foreign Research Student / Adult etc.
Spring / Fall Enrollment
Exam Month:
Expected academic advisor:

【Academic Background】
From yyyy/mm to yyyy/mm ●● Elementary School : Graduated
From yyyy/mm to yyyy/mm ●● Junior High School : Graduated
From yyyy/mm to yyyy/mm ●● High School : Graduated
From yyyy/mm to yyyy/mm ●● University : Graduated Major : ●●, Discipline : ●●

Japanese : JLPT(Japanese Language Proficiency Test) Level :
EJU(Examination for Japanese University Admission for International Students) Score :
Foreign Language : TOEIC L&R Test Score / TOEFL iBT Test Score

Graduate School Admissions Division of Kansai University
Inquiry (go to the contact form)

Inquiry about the School of Law and the School of Accountancy