  • 研究会



日時: 2020年11月12日(木) 16:30~18:00

場所: オンライン・セミナー

報告者: 大角道子


タイトル: "The Incentive Effect of Coarse and Refined Reporting: Theory and Experiment"
      joint with Yukihiko Funaki, Edward Halim and Yohanes E. Riyanto

要旨:We compare the incentive effect of two-grade reporting rules, namely, coarse and refined reporting. As a backdrop, we consider students whose performance in an exam will be disclosed to a potential employer. The disclosure rule is either a coarse-reporting in the form of pass or fails grade or a refined-reporting in the form of a raw score between 0 and 100. We are interested in analyzing which reporting rule would motivate students to work harder? Existing theories provide two predictions. First, a refined-reporting will provide a stronger incentive than a coarse-reporting if the former can better reflect the differences in effort levels of students with varying abilities. Second, a coarse-reporting provides a stronger incentive than a refined-reporting if the former allows a mediocre ability type to be pooled together with better types. We bring these theoretical predictions into a laboratory economic experimental test and show that subjects' behavior is consistent with the first prediction. Our result sheds some light on the optimal design of performance evaluation.


