
Using Information and Communication
Technology (ICT) as a Tool

ICT (Information and Communication Technology) is utilized to develop creativity, the power of thinking, and expression.

For Kansai University Elementary School students, computers are essential tools, just like their notebooks and pens. They use iPads and PCs actively in class to develop their ability to collect and organize information, critical thinking, creativity, and expressive power. We make best use of ICT to encourage children to use such digital devices not merely to collect information but also to spread and share ideas and information.

Utilization of
information equipment

One iPad for
All graders

Learning of
information ethics


Records of various events and activities during six years of school life are digitally stored. Each child’s school life and study-related records are stored as digital data, which is used for the further promotion of learning.

Apple Distinguished School(ADS)

The Apple Distinguished School is a recognition of educational institutions that are making innovative use of technology. Kansai University Elementary School has been recognized as an Apple Distinguished School 2021-2024 for a school environment that encourages students to learn through curiosity, and for its efforts to enhance their thinking skills.

※For more information about the Apple
Distinguished School, please visit Apple's website.