商学研究科 博士課程後期課程では、2026年度入学生から「Global Data Science Program」を設置いたします。
「Grobal Data Science Program」では、講義や演習はすべて英語で行います。
なお、募集内容、出願手続等については、2025年6月頃にWebサイト上で公開する「2026 Graduate School of Business and Commrece [Global Data Science Program] 」でご確認ください。
以 上
The Graduate School of Business and Commerce Ph.D.Program will establish a 'Global Data Science Program' for students enrolling in the academic year 2026.
In the Global Data Science Program, all lectures and exercises are conducted in English.
The doctoral thesis will also be written in English.
For details about the application, please refer to "2026 Graduate School of Business and Commrece [Global Data Science Program]", which will be published on the website around June 2025.