- 最新情報(2019年)
- 【開催案内】N(新物質・機能素子・生産技術)研究部門 外国語による特別講演会(2019.12.3開催)
【開催案内】N(新物質・機能素子・生産技術)研究部門 外国語による特別講演会(2019.12.3開催)
日 時: 2019年12月3日(火) 15:00~16:15
場 所: 関西大学千里山キャンパス 学術フロンティア・コア 3階会議室
講 演: "Hybrid Polymers Based on Diesters of
H-phosphonic acid and their Application"
Prof. Kolio D. Troev / Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
概 要: Poly(alkylene H-phosphonate)s I are being actively investigated
for pharmaceutical applications as a multifunctional carrier of drugs.
Immobilization of drugs -bendamustine, AZT, melphalan, WR2721,
dinuclear platinum complex, paclitaxel via:covalent bond,
hydrogen bonding and micelles are discused.
Poly(dimethyl (or diphenyl)sylil H-phosphonate)s II are prepared via
dealkylation of diesters of H-phosphonic acid with
dichlorodimethyl(or diphenyl)silane. They are testing as flame retardants.
The newly synthesized poly(phenylborane H-phosphonate) III is
interesting as boron delivery agent for Boron neutron capture therapy.
参加費: 無料
申込み: 不要