On Thursday, February 10, 2022, "Appreciation of Traditional Japanese Entertainment" was held as the second Field Trip of Bekka.
On Thursday, February 10, 2022, "Appreciation of Traditional Japanese Entertainment" was held as the second Field Trip of Bekka.
"KABUKI-The Program of Appreciation of Traditional Japanese Entertainment" by the "KIKAKUYA", who organize Kabuki events in various locations was held at the Minami Senri International Plaza. Bekka students attend and watched the performance via Zoom due to the spread of COVID-19.
At first, the performers explained about Kabuki such as greetings to the audience called Kojo, acting styles known as Tachimawari and Kumadori Make-up in a way that was easy for the international students to understand. After that, a Kabuki dance was performed.
The participants applauded through the Zoom screen after each demonstration, and enjoyed the wonderful performance.