Intensive Japanese Language and Culture Course (IJLC) Winter2 was completed
Intensive Japanese Language and Culture Course (IJLC) Winter 2 was completed
The annual Intensive Japanese Language and Culture Course (IJLC) Winter 2 was held online for 15 days from February 14 to February 28, 2022.
We welcomed a total of 13 participants from Australia, Canada, Kazakhstan and the Philippines.
Especially, students of Kansai University who supported participants as "Conversational Partners" in classes were received well. In addition to Japanese language classes, the participants also had an event to interact with KU students, where they enjoyed talking about topics unique to their age group.
The participants also had the opportunity to experience Japanese culture through learning ninja and wrapping with a traditional wrapping cloth known as furoshiki.
They were given many interesting lectures on the history of ninja and the way of using ninja gadgets such as ninja stars, and then asked a lot of questions.
They enjoyed actually wrapping and arranging wine bottles and boxes using the furoshiki delivered from Japan in the wrapping experience with furoshiki.
Everyone was able to experience the unique culture of Japan in their own countries, even though they were all online.
The participants, who had been very nervous in the first few days of the course, gradually improved their Japanese conversation ability. On the last day, they were able to give a final presentation summarizing their results of the past two weeks.
It was a very short period of time, but some of them commented at the completion ceremony that they really enjoyed the course. They reluctantly bid farewell, expressing their gratitude to the kind conversational partners and teachers.