• H.O.M.E.について
  • 活動内容
  • 活動実績
  • アーカイブ
  • 運営組織
  • お問い合わせ

留学生が魅力を感じ、ここで住みたい・働きたいと思わせる地域ぐるみの交流事業 留学生の第二の故郷(ふるさと)プロジェクト

H.O.M.E.千里交流拠点事業について<概要>The H.O.M.E. Senri International Exchange Program <Outline>

<Conceptual diagram>



This project is integrally related to the Senri New Town area in northern Osaka Prefecture, which is now fifty years old. Kansai University and Osaka University represent the two core universities in the formation of a consortium with local industry and government. The consortium plans to internationalize with the aim of promoting revitalization of the Senri area. During the contract period with MEXT, formation of a consortium and active preparation for an international exchange program will be implemented. Through the assistance of the Senri International Exchange Program, the large numbers of foreign students in the Osaka area will progress from being recipients of assistance to gaining regional employment to becoming members of the local community and productive members of society, thereby building a growth cycle. Even after the contract period with MEXT is concluded, we aim to continue developing activities to maintain the community.

1)宿舎支援 Housing


  • 留学生が長期居住できる宿舎の新規開拓
  • 関西大学および大阪大学が持つ宿舎をニーズに応じて相互協力体制で運営

Creation of new business opportunities to allow long-term lodging for foreign studentsKansai University and Osaka University will operate a cooperative program using the housing they already own to meet housing needs.

2)交流支援 International communication


  • 留学生および日本人学生の交流組織の構築
  • 自治体等主催の交流行事やボランティア活動への定期的な参加の実現

Development of an organization for exchange between foreign and Japanese students Foster regular participation in cultural exchange and volunteer activities sponsored by local governments.

3)キャリア支援 Career Development


  • インターンシップ受入企業の開拓とインターンシップの実施
  • 地元企業と留学生との交流事業の実施

Cultivation of host corporations that can sponsor internships and implementation of the internships promote cultural exchange activities between local corporations and foreign students.

4)受入留学生数の拡充 Expanding international population on campus

  • 上記支援の成果を広くアピールすることによりさらなる留学生の獲得

Secure increased numbers of foreign students through the strategies listed above.