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information2023/08/01 Precautions when entering Japan (thorough animal and plant quarantine)

A reminder from the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF) that it is prohibited in principle to bring meat products, fruits, vegetables, etc. into Japan when entering the country.

Please check the following information carefully as it applies to anyone entering Japan (regardless of new entry or re-entry due to temporary return to Japan, etc.).

①The importation of meat products, fruits, vegetables, etc. from overseas to Japan is strictly restricted by law. 
 Do not bring meat products, fruits, vegetables, etc. from overseas to Japan as they cannot be brought in  
 regardless of quantity or mode of transportation (baggage, personal effects or mail).
②Illegal importation of meat products, fruits, vegetables, etc. into Japan is subject to heavy penalties
 (e.g., up to 3  years imprisonment or a fine of up to 3 million yen (up to 50 million yen in the case of a corporation))
③Please make sure that not only international students themselves, but also their family members and
 acquaintances visiting Japan, never bring meat products, fruits, vegetables, etc. into Japan,
 and also do not send them by mail to Japan.

【For your information】
○ Animal Quarantine Station Website

〇 Plant Protection Station Website

〇 Poster for cooperation in baggage screening

○Leaflet "Requests for You Coming to Japan" (about livestock and plant imports)