
研究最前線 No.77

小石川 裕介 准教授


Research on the law and legal studies from before world war II to the period of occupation



What did legal scholars do during the war and under the occupation?

The unearthing of documents and careful reading have revealed a previously unknown state of affairs


小石川 裕介 准教授

Faculty of Law

Associate Professor Yusuke Koishikawa



Books co-authored by Associate Professor Koishikawa


After the 1931 Manchurian incident, the 1937 outbreak of the Sino-Japanese War, and the 1941 attack on Pearl Harbor, Japan participated in the Second World War until the end of the war in 1945 and then was in a period of occupation until the San Francisco Peace Treaty was signed in 1952. Some people may have the impression that the legal system was not functioning normally during those two decades of turbulence. However, there were still trials being held during the war. The judicial world of this era has attracted attention after it became the setting for the morning serial drama “Tora ni Tsubasa” televised by NHK. What kind of legal system existed and what were the legal scholars of the time doing? Associate Professor Yusuke Koishikawa of the Faculty of Law has thrown light on this theme, regarding which there had been little previous research, and he has gradually clarified the real situation.











Did Japanese law continue to function during the war?

Please tell us about your specialist field.

My field is the history of the Japanese legal system. In particular, my research mainly focuses on the period from 1930 to around 1950, from before the Second World War to the period of occupation after the war.

Why did you choose that period?

I found it interesting because it was a period that had not been researched very much and it wasn’t really clear what had happened. People tend to think of this period as an era when the law and legal studies were not really functioning properly due to the war, but actually that isn’t true. During that same period in Germany, the enforcement of the Weimar Constitution effectively stopped. However, the constitution of Japan was not suspended and the legal system more or less continued to function, which connected to the Constitution of Japan that was established after the war.

What have you found from your research?

That even towards the end of the war, the legal scholars were still trying to conduct their legal studies as much as they could. As it was during a time of war, some of them were trying to please the state as they did so, while others were half boycotting it. Nevertheless, a not insignificant number of legal scholars continued to squarely take on the legal system in front of them and attempted to fulfill the roles of their jobs.

Then, when the war had ended, many of the legal scholars who had been active during the war continued their activities. There were some people who were purged from public office or the teaching profession, but it wasn’t really a very large number of people.

For example, Jiro Tanaka, who was an authority on administrative law after the war, had spent time during the war assembling his own theories. The presence of the state increased during the war, and it encroached into various fields. Tanaka put together legal interpretations to deal with this, and developed the theories for them. After the war, a lot of those legal theories went on to be treated as the commonly accepted theories of administrative law. We can therefore view this as the research performed during the war becoming the foundations for what came after the war.

At the very least, from the aspect of the scholars involved, there was no major discontinuity between the scholars before the war and those after the war, with basically the same situation continuing. Many people see the enforcement of the Constitution of Japan as a turning point between the situation before the war and that after it, but in many legal fields, the change actually only occurred later on. The Constitution of Japan came into effect in 1947. However, many of the legal scholars at that time had been educated before the war and had presented their theses before the war. Just because a system is updated, it does not mean that everything changes all of a sudden. It is not possible for things to change while the people involved remain unable to deal with the change, or do not attempt to respond to the change.

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    Stacks of prewar bar exam magazines











From control to competition - the transition from prewar to postwar economic law

Have you paid particular attention to any other areas?

A new area of economic law was created under the wartime control. When we think of economic law today, it is basically something to prepare the systems for companies to compete with each other. However, the basis for the economic law during the war was the idea of having control by the state. In other words, despite it being the same economic law, it was almost completely the opposite legal field.

What specific control was there during the war?

One of the most widely known laws is the National Mobilization Act. This National Mobilization Act was a law that basically made it possible for the state to control the material resources and human resources.

As things such as Imperial ordinances and ministerial ordinances were established based on the National Mobilization Act, one of the jobs of the legal scholars of the time was to consider how the ordinances related to each other, and to the laws enacted previously, and to add an explanation to each ordinance as they organized them. When Japan moved into the postwar period, there was criticism that all the scholars had been doing was adding explanations. However, I believe that they had been performing one of the very important jobs during the period of the war.

How do you actually advance your research on this period?

Of course, I read the theses and writings of the researchers of the time very carefully and thoroughly, and I also collect and organize a wide range of primary sources and secondary sources related to the universities and the various organizations at that time. I then work through these to match up what kind of people were saying what kind of thing and when.

In recent years, we are starting to see the personal documents, notebooks and memos of the legal scholars and we are gradually finding out what the actual situation was like.

When we investigate the activities of the legal scholars of the time, they were performing a very large number of jobs. In fact, this was to the extent that I suspect I would not have been able to cope. The people living in those times and now are all the same human beings, so I feel sympathy for them. I don’t think we can just think that everything was different to today because they were living during a war.


Instructing students in his laboratory






Searching for a real image of that time in everything from public documents to personal memos

What has been difficult about the research and where have you struggled?

As can be expected, because I am handling things from the during the war, a lot of the materials were destroyed in fire or got scattered and lost. For example, the Legislation Bureau was destroyed in fire during the Tokyo air raids in 1945, so it is not possible to get a clear picture of the situation at the end of the war from the documents. To make up for that, I work to infer the situation by piecing together the documents that remained with individuals, such as notebooks and memos. I want to continue to consider how things changed between before the war and after it, or indeed, whether it actually did change at all.

What made you want to start researching legal history in the first place?

Well, you know, positive law such as civil law and criminal law is quite difficult. I always liked history, so I tried attending a lecture on legal history and I found it interesting. That made me choose a seminar on it, and I then proceeded to graduate school and ended up as a researcher. However, to pursue a study of legal history, it is necessary to understand positive law. In the end, I had to go back to it later and struggle to restudy it.




Four years of work. Preserving government institution materials for future generations

Associate Professor Koishikawa was involved in the production of the recently published oral history of Takahiro Yokomichi, who was previously Speaker of the House of Representatives. This was a project of the Secretariat of the House of Representatives. Former Speaker Yokomichi served as both the Speaker and Vice Speaker. He was interviewed about his whole life from birth and a record was created of his impressions and thoughts on the political activities in general. Associate Professor Koishikawa was invited to participate by the researcher playing the central role in the activities and served as one of the main interviewers.

The creation of the oral history took four years. The aim was to create something to be a useful reference when future generations make political judgments or perform historical verification and it became a very large and detailed record with the main text and detailed explanatory notes totaling about a million characters. Materials that were previously impossible to obtain have also been disclosed, such as documents from the 1990s. It is planned that the involvement of Associate Professor Koishikawa in this project will continue from now on, and the next interviews have already begun.

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