
研究最前線 No.75

福井 敬祐 准教授


Researching the theory and application of statistical science



Using Mathematics to Fight Cancer and Benefit Society

Recreate each Japanese person in a computer


福井 敬祐 准教授

Faculty of Societal Safety Sciences

Associate Professor Keisuke Fukui


We have come to see the term "data science" increasingly often. Data science is the science of uncovering the knowledge and value buried in large amounts of data to help solve societal and management problems. Associate Professor Keisuke Fukui, who joined the Faculty of Societal Safety Sciences in April 2023, specializes in statistical science used in data science. Along with researching theory, he is also working on cancer control and medical applications.




Statistical science is both old and new

What sort of research field is your specialty of statistical science?

Statistical science is the science that aims to gain some knowledge from a large amount of data and use it for decision-making and other purposes for real life and society. You may recall that in the COVID-19 pandemic, there was analysis of people at risk of severe illness and predictions of the spread of infection. Statistical science was used for this analysis and prediction. It is a research field that serves as a foundation for various fields.
 Statistical science has a long history, but recent advances in information and communication technology have led to the acquisition of a wide variety of data and the development of theories on how to analyze large amounts of data and new types of data. It is a field that is getting a lot of attention right now and is included in data science, as well as AI and information engineering.




Use statistical science for cancer control

Specifically, what do you research?

There are three pillars. The first pillar is the theoretical research of statistical science. The second is the application of data to cancer control. The third is statistical verification of new treatments and prevention methods. Of these, my research is focused primarily on the second, cancer control.
 Using colorectal cancer as an example, despite improvements in cancer treatment technology, the number of patients and mortality rates have not decreased in Japan. The reason may be the low rate of colorectal cancer screening. For this reason, we made it possible to mathematically simulate how much fewer patients and deaths would occur if we increased the rate by what percentage.
 I used a technique called microsimulation, which is my main research topic. The histories of cancer patients living in Japan are reproduced in a computer, and the effects of cancer control are examined by aggregating them. For example, a history of a polyp appearing in the colon at the age of 55, and becoming cancerous at the age of 56, but it was not detected until the age of 59 because the patient did not go for a medical checkup, and the patient died at the age of 61. This is done by accumulating and reproducing a large amount of data with different individual characteristics such as age and gender.
 Since this is a simulation, we can create a hypothetical scenario if the patient had been examined at age 56. As a result, if the person lives to age 79, the time until death is extended by 18 years. Based on the individual histories, you can see how much the overall effect would be if you increased the screening rate.
 Because cancer is caused by a variety of factors, it is difficult to take uniform measures. Without an estimate of the effectiveness of individual prevention and the increase or decrease in the number of patients in the future, the national government does not know what cancer control measures to focus on in which areas. This is where statistical science comes into play.


Speaking at the Annual Meeting of the Japan Association of Cancer Registries




Japan lags behind Europe and America

I can see that statistical science has progressed quite far.

However, in the United States, microsimulation has been used for cancer control on a national scale for about 20 years. Japan is still at the level of researchers doing their own individual research.
 Microsimulation requires data such as cancer morbidity and mortality and screening rates. It also combines data such as whether the person who died of cancer had causative habits such as drinking or smoking, and what type of cancer the person had.
 In order to be used in Japan's national policy, the characteristics of the population and individuals reproduced in the simulation must reflect Japanese society. The tendency of the type of cancer is also different between Japan and Europe and America. Therefore, it is necessary to push forward with research in Japan. Essentially, it would be nice to have complete data on the people who were diagnosed with cancer and what actually happened to them afterwards. However, in Japan, there is still no proper system in place and it is difficult to obtain data. Basically, separate data are collected, combined, and mathematically clarified.

Web application toolのインターフェイス

開発されたがん死亡予測のためのWeb application toolのインターフェイス。性別やがん種を設定することで、対応するがんの推移や予測結果を表示することができる
An interface of a web application tool for cancer mortality prediction. By setting gender and cancer type, etc, the corresponding cancer trends and prediction results can be displayed




Studying at university again after working at a bank

How did you decide to become a researcher?

Actually, after completing the first semester of the doctoral course (mathematics major) at Hiroshima University Graduate School, I got a job at a bank. I've wanted to use statistical science to solve social problems since I was a student, but I did not have many opportunities to use statistics in my banking practice. Even though we had accumulated a variety of information, we had not managed to analyze it and utilize it for sales and other purposes. At the time, I thought data-driven thinking was important, so I went back to graduate school and restudied statistics.
 Later, at the Osaka International Cancer Institute, where I worked, I saw people who did not come for screening because they were afraid of the results or because they did not have time, and I learned that the cancer screening rate was actually low.
 On the other hand, data on cancer patients who do not undergo screenings has been accumulated, but not well utilized. Therefore, I decided to work on cancer control, thinking that if I could use data for this purpose.
 After working at the Institute for 3 years, I worked at Osaka University of Medicine and Dentistry and Hiroshima University before joining the Faculty of Societal Safety Sciences at Kansai University in April 2023.
 The origin of my research is mathematics. The statistical science and cancer control that I am working on is very rewarding because I am able to apply mathematical theory to the real world.

Web application toolのインターフェイス

Working at Osaka International Cancer Center (upper right of the figure) “ World Cancer Day” activities




Expectations of students in the Faculty of Societal Safety Sciences

What are your expectations and aspirations for the future?

At present, we are at the stage of developing a method called microsimulation, which is commonly used in the West, from scratch in Japan.
 Students in the Faculty of Societal Safety Sciences really learn a lot of things. I am very excited to think that in the future, students with knowledge in medicine and mathematics will study together, such as medical classes, statistical science and programming.
 When I study microsimulation, I realize that there are many kinds of people. I hope more and more students who can learn widely and think from many perspectives come.
 In the future, we hope to establish a method to accurately calculate the survival rate of rare cancers. Accurate survival rates are necessary for cancer control, but rare cancers are difficult to calculate accurately because the number of patients is, as the name might suggest, small.
 I would also like to engage in research that considers how data science and statistical science will become embedded in society.

  • 大阪国際がんセンター時代に日本公衆衛生学会口演賞受賞の式典の様子

    Scene from the Japanese Society of Public Health oral presentation award ceremony during the Osaka International Cancer Center