
研究最前線 No.74

石津 智大 教授


Study of How "Beauty" Affects People



Understanding the Experience of Beauty to Enhance the Well-being of People

The Wonder of Neuroaesthetics, a Study That Explores the Essence of What Makes Us Human


石津 智大 教授

Faculty of Letters

Professor Tomohiro Ishizu

石津教授の著書 / Books authored by Professor Ishizu

Books authored by Professor Ishizu


What people find "beautiful" depends on the individual. It’s a highly subjective feeling. However, people have examined whether the perception of what is beautiful is objective. "Both Plato and Aristotle tried to find something in common regarding beauty." Neuroaesthetics provides a guiding light in an age-old pursuit that may help us get to the bottom of beauty. Tomohiro Ishizu, a professor at the Faculty of Letters, is a pioneer in the study of neuroaesthetics in Japan. He is trying to shed light on the concept of "beauty" using a variety of research methods.






Beauty affects the economy and interpersonal relationships

What is your speciality, neuroaesthetics, all about?

Neuroaesthetics is a relatively new field of study that was started in Europe in the early 2000s. It’s a branch of cognitive neuroscience that studies how our brain and perception work when we engage in an artistic activity or have an aesthetic experience. It is an interdisciplinary field that attracts people from a wide variety of areas, including psychologists, neuroscientists, humanities scholars, health and human services professionals, artists, and musicians.

What we perceive as "beautiful" is different for everyone, right?

That’s right. Even so, people have continued to explore the question of what beauty is. It’s not just about creating works of art that are appreciated by as many people as possible. Actually, it has a lot to do with the economy. In the United Kingdom, statistics show that businesses related to beauty, such as art and cosmetics, generate more than 3 trillion yen in economic benefits every year. Beauty also affects interpersonal relationships. While we know that beauty affects people, neuroaesthetics attempts to answer the question of what aspects are common to beauty through the study of the brain and perception.






What is the common brain response to beauty?

Does the study of the brain fall under psychology?

I’m more of a cognitive neuroscientist than a psychologist. But psychology and neuroscience are both sciences. In Japan, psychology falls within the category of the humanities, but both psychology and neuroscience can be categorized as science because they both involve conducting experiments, demonstrating the results quantitatively, comparing them with the results of other experiments, and repeating replications and investigations.

What are specific research areas and findings?

In some studies, researchers asked subjects to look at paintings and photographs while using an electroencephalogram or functional MRI to see how their brains would respond. These studies found that a certain part of the brain was activated. It’s a region of the medial orbitofrontal cortex. This region is located above the area between the eyebrows and is about the size of your thumb. This part of the brain was found to respond to things people perceive as "beautiful" regardless of whether they are paintings, photographs, statues, natural landscapes, buildings, or human faces. Researchers found something common, an answer to the question of what beauty is.
 We feel good when we are full, and the medial orbitofrontal cortex responds to that pleasure as well. In other words, it is an area that is related to our basic biological needs. Seeing or listening to works of art doesn’t make you feel full or give you physiological pleasure. However, the fact that the medial orbitofrontal cortex is responding suggests that beauty may also contribute to the preservation of individuals and the stability of human populations.
 In the past, I have been particularly interested in invisible beauty. Music is one example. People also experience beauty in sound. Assuming that this kind of musical beauty would have something in common with visual beauty such as paintings, I conducted research and experiments in 2011. I used an MRI to see how the brains of 25 subjects would react when they saw paintings as well as when they heard music and found that the medial orbitofrontal cortex was activated in both cases.
 This is also the case when it comes to inner beauty, such as "virtue" or "friendship." Your medial orbitofrontal cortex responds strongly when an act of kindness resonates with you.

  • 美と芸術の脳科学「神経美学」
  • 美の体験は共通する脳反応がある




"Sublimity" makes us empathize with others

What are the research subjects that you have been focusing on in recent years?

Currently there are two. One is "negative beauty." Beauty can be experienced with sadness or bitterness, such as in a heartbreak song. The moment I saw Michelangelo’s Pieta, I couldn’t help but cry at the sadness of it all. This aesthetic experience of "beauty accompanied by a negative emotion" also relates to the medial orbitofrontal cortex.
 Another is "the sublime" and "awe." Have you ever felt overwhelmed or afraid when viewing scenes or pictures of storms or volcanic eruptions? I’m studying people’s state of mind and how their brains respond when they have this kind of "scary but beautiful" experience. It’s interesting to note that it’s not the medial orbitofrontal cortex that responds to this. It’s the anterior part of the caudate nucleus, which responds to pleasant emotions, a part of the cerebellum, which is related to the perception of fear, and the posterior hippocampus, which is involved in memory.
 Studies have found that when people have a feeling of the sublime, they become more aware and empathetic toward others. There is an experiment in which a passerby (an experiment confederate) drops a pen near a subject who sees something sublime, such as a magnificent tree, and a subject who doesn’t see this tree. Most subjects who had a feeling of the sublime at the sight of the magnificent tree pick up the pen to help the passerby.

  • 脳の反応






Will AI come close to perceiving beauty the same way humans do?

How does neuroaesthetics contribute to society?

Mixed emotions, such as "sadness" and "sublimity," cause empathy with others and strengthen human bonds. For example, I’m working with welfare facility staff on finding ways to build stronger bonds between caregivers and care recipients, or between care recipients, via neuroaesthetics studies. We are trying to facilitate the formation of spontaneous connections between people within the facility by using paintings and projection mapping that instill a sense of the sublime. These applied neuroaesthetic studies are expected to alleviate isolation and loneliness as well as enhance social well-being.

I heard that you are currently working on research using AI.

There have been remarkable advancements in generative AI today, and it can produce works that look as good as those created by humans. If that’s the case, what are we to make of the works of human authors? In a previous study, researchers asked people about their preference between children’s doodles and the works of a famous abstract artist that looked like doodles. Even though both look like doodles, more people saw "purpose and intention in the works" done by the artist. Even if they look the same, a work created with intention still has the power to convey its purpose and intent. In the future, I would like to experiment with a comparison of works created by humans and AI. I’m interested in what works created by AI can’t convey. Intelligence and humanity are what makes us human. I want to find out through the study of beauty something human that AI cannot learn yet.
 They say we should pursue the virtues of "goodness, truth, and beauty," with "beauty" being the essence and foundation of humanity. Our study of beauty is a scientific exploration of humanity and human well-being.

  • 脳機能を計測

    Measuring brain responses when looking at Michelangelo's sculpture "Pieta"

  • ノッティンガムMRIセンターにて

    At MRI Centre in Nottingham, which Professor Ishizu visited while studying at the University of London