
研究最前線 No.71

小西 秀樹 教授


Study of Contemporary Japanese Politics and Interest Groups



The Genealogy of Political Sociology at Kansai University Inherited from Professor Uichi Iwasaki

Understand the Social and Political Dynamics from an Objective Perspective


小西 秀樹 教授

Faculty of Policy Studies

Professor Hideki Konishi



A hundred years ago when Kansai University gained university status under the University Ordinance, Uichi Iwasaki, who later became the university president, was one of the first full-time professors at the university. He specialized in the fields of sociology and political science, and he analyzed the nature of state phenomena, the history of sociology, and practical social policies from a multi-disciplinary and objective perspective. These academic traditions were passed down from Professor Ryoichi Kanbayashi, who was under Iwasaki's tutelage, to Professor Hideki Konishi, who was a student of Professor Kanbayashi. Professor Konishi's research, which can be said to be the origin of Kansai University, reveals political processes in postwar Japan, in which various actors such as interest groups influence each other and move with the times.








"It is too early to study Japanese politics" - Graduate school

What is your current area of expertise?

I specialize in political sociology. In particular, my focus is on the relationship between interest groups and political parties in postwar Japanese politics, and I have conducted empirical studies on the relationship among actual social structure, political processes, and policies, not political ideals. Interest groups consist of a variety of organizations and groups, such as employers' associations, labor unions, or civic movements including the environmental protection movement.
 My interest in politics began when I was in high school, and I would often discuss politics with my friends. I was kind of a strange high school student. It was the era of Nakasone's long-term administration. In 1986, the 100th anniversary of the foundation of Kansai University, I entered the Department of Political Science in the Faculty of Law, and from the third year on, I joined a seminar taught by Professor Ryoichi Kanbayashi, who had a good reputation among students that this was the best place to learn modern politics. The study of interest groups was one of the themes Professor Kanbayashi had been working on for many years.

What was Professor Kanbayashi's teaching like?

Professor Kanbayashi was a theoretical and gentlemanly person, and he taught in a calm and gentle manner. At that time, the Japanese economy and politics were greatly shaken by the Recruit scandal, the end of the Cold War, and the collapse of the bubble economy. I wrote my graduation thesis on LDP factional politics and applied for Professor Kanbayashi's seminar in the graduate school. Of course, I thought I could continue to study Japanese politics, but Professor Kanbayashi said, "It's 100 years too early to study modern Japanese politics. Learn from the politics of other countries. Study British politics, whose system shares similarities with that of Japan." So, I started to study the history of British parliament, political parties, and interest groups—topics had never even thought of before. I remember having felt I was suddenly thrown into the wilderness. In the end, I continued studying party politics and interest groups in Europe for five years in graduate school, including my doctoral course. British politics at that time was getting more and more chaotic at the end of the Thatcher Conservative Party administration, so I learned a lot comparing that with Japanese politics during the period of change.
 It was not until I became a faculty member at Kansai University that I was able to seriously work on research regarding Japanese politics as I previously wanted. In fact, in order to finalize the content of classes such as Theory of Political Process, I began to write theses on Japanese politics and co-author textbooks on Japanese politics.

Why did you decide to go to graduate school instead of getting a job?

When I was an undergraduate student, I was approached by an upperclassman at my boarding house and asked if I would join the Senriyama Law Society, an academic research group. There, I studied law with students and debated with students from other universities. I was a member of the civil law research team and in my junior year won second place in a debate contest sponsored by the Osaka Bar Association. At that time, it was the height of the bubble economy, and companies offered me a position, but thanks to my activities at the Senriyama Law Society, my desire to study political science, which was my original ambition, suddenly grew stronger.

  • 上林先生(前列中央)と門下生の皆さん。小西先生は後列左

    Professor Kanbayashi (front row center) and his students.
    Professor Konishi is on the left in the back row.

  • 研究室の本棚には大学院生時代の指導教員・上林良一教授から受け継いだ蔵書が並ぶ

    Professor Konishi's laboratory with a collection of books inherited from Professor Kanbayashi

  • 学部生時代に在籍した千里山法律学会から出場した討論会で準優勝し授与された賞状

    Certificate of award for winning second place in a debate contest while a student






How does politics work? Know the reality without evaluating carelessly

In 2007, you were transferred to the newly established Faculty of Policy Studies.

The Faculty of Policy Studies has many students who are interested in themes such as local communities and regional revitalization, and I myself decided to expand my field of research into local governments and regional politics at the same time as I conducted political research in postwar Japan. I visited various regions in Japan to conduct fact-finding surveys, and I began to use the results of these surveys in classes and seminars.

Do you have anything in mind when you study modern politics?

I tell students not to rush to a decision but to learn the reasons and mechanisms by which politics operates and the processes and backgrounds that lead to the formation of current policies. That is what Professor Kanbayashi taught me.
 Looking back now, as an undergraduate student, when I first joined Professor Kanbayashi's seminar, I talked about what I had heard on TV discussion programs in the seminar, and Professor Kanbayashi was probably thinking that my comments were superficial. I now feel that is why he told me to study British Politics to correct it.
 Because we deal with real politics, we should not make superficial evaluations or express opinions. Professor Kanbayashi had such a stoic side. He joined the Navy just before the end of the war and returned to his studies as the war ended before leaving for battle. He started studying again as a university student in the society where all his previous values were shaken. Because of this, he believed that people should not be too obsessed with a single set of values but should look at things in a broad and diversified way.
 Professor Uichi Iwasaki, who had been mentoring Professor Kanbayashi, also went to the United States at the height of the First World War. There, he studied sociology and political science. When he returned to Japan, Japan was a country of Taisho Democracy. Professor Iwasaki has also shown the importance of looking at political and social movements in a diverse and multifaceted way in turbulent times. He may have taught that to Professor Kanbayashi.
 Professor Iwasaki taught for 38 years, Professor Kanbayashi for 38 years, and I have been teaching for 24 years. That is 100 years in total. My contribution may be limited, but I hope I can continue the trend of political sociology study—examining real society and political dynamics—that began at Kansai University with Professor Iwasaki.


In front of former president Iwasaki's exhibit at the University Museum






Respect for independence. Nurture a multifaceted view of reality

What kind of academic advice do you provide in the graduate school?

I leave it up to students to choose their research theme. The themes graduate students choose range from the leadership of the prime minister, the change of government, and Japanese foreign policies to agricultural policies and education policies.
 In addition to students from our faculty and other universities, working adults and international students are also enrolled in the Graduate School of Governance. Members of various fields, such as local assembly members, businessmen, and those with professional qualifications, come from all generations. It would be nice if various people dig into research from various aspects while inspiring each other. The Graduate School of Governance is interdisciplinary, and its faculty members specialize in a wide range of fields, including politics, law, and economics. Students can learn from faculty members in a broad range of fields. The academic advisor and the assistant advisor work together to provide guidance to graduate students, combining faculty members based on the research theme of each student. We respect the independence of graduate students first, and then support them so that they can complete their theses academically.
 Real politics is so raw that it is hard to explain it properly to students. Students see and hear only what they are interested in on the Internet, and they may be satisfied with their superficial views. I want them to know the reality widely, not just stay in their own world. The reality is not just the reality created by one's own ideas. Everyone is making this reality right now. I want them to learn how everyone behaves and thinks. Also, I want them to enjoy the process of how to build a logic to reach a conclusion they have in mind.
 Using what they learn in class as a reference, students grasp and judge real politics by themselves, and this leads to actual actions. The impact on students is considerable, and I feel a heavy responsibility as an instructor. Professor Kanbayashi once admonished me to teach as if one-on-one with each student. It means that if I don't always take it seriously and earnestly, it is quite worthless. His words still support me. I want to fulfill the responsibility I was given at this campus where I spent my days as a student.

What are your future research ambitions?

The first is to study based on concrete cases how to perceive the Abe administration, which is the longest in history, and how the relationships among the prime minister, the LDP, and interest groups have changed. Another is to study and pursue new developments in regional politics and national land policy, including the impact of COVID-19, and what changes have taken place in Japanese local communities in the midst of an increasingly serious social situation with the declining birthrate, aging population, and depopulation.


Collection of theses by Professor Konishi