Psychological research in reproductive medicine
A multifaceted analysis of women's psychology after the termination of fertility treatment
Life perspectives of women who have completed treatment without having had children
香川 香 教授
Graduate School of Psychology
Professor Kaoru Kagawa
Due to an increase in childbearing age, fertility treatment has become common in Japan. However, not all cases result in pregnancy and childbirth, and the psychological burden on those involved can be significant. Although research on the psychology of fertility treatment has been increasing in recent years, Professor Kaoru Kagawa of the Graduate School of Psychology feels the need for psychological support for "women who have given up fertility treatment without giving birth," and has been conducting surveys and research on this topic.
Understanding the psychological burden of fertility treatment
What is your area of expertise?
I specialize in clinical psychology, particularly in regard to the mental health of women and university students. Among other topics, I am studying the psychological health of women who are struggling with reproduction and infertility, and the psychological burden caused by assisted reproductive medical treatments, including in-vitro fertilization, that is to say, so-called fertility treatments. Reproductive psychology is an area in which there is still little prior research. As a Kinder Counselor, I am also involved in providing support for childcare in kindergartens.
What made you decide to focus on fertility treatment?
Against a background of late marriages and late childbearing, approximately one in 14 children in Japan is born with the help of assisted reproductive technology. However, fertility treatment is not only a huge physical and mental burden on women but is also financially costly and time-consuming.
In fact, there were many people around me who were having difficulties with fertility treatment, in addition to those I encountered through clinical counseling. Therefore, I looked into the situation and found that there are still few psychologists working in this area, and not enough research has been done to date. However, I felt that this was an area where improvements in psychological care were needed.
Patients undergoing fertility treatment may be able to receive psychological support by consulting with the clinic's medical staff and counselors, but those who have given up on treatment are no longer able to attend the clinic or connect with child-rearing support groups and other similar services. In some cases, they have to leave their jobs due to difficulties in balancing their treatment and work, and many are unable to return to their pre-treatment lives.
Being faced not only with the fact that they could not have children, but also that they have lost their jobs, money, time, and many other things, and are now "living a life different from the one they had envisioned," many feel a strong need for psychological support in the process of finding new ways of living. I believe that building an understanding of how these people feel about their lives with regard to this process can be used to support them both during and after treatment.
The toy figures on the shelves are used in a form of psychotherapy called Sandplay Therapy.
Support during treatment affects outlook on life
How is the research progressing?
When women who had experienced fertility treatment were surveyed about how they viewed life without children, four factors were found. These factors are: 1) rejection and grieving for a life without children, 2) willingness to contribute to others and society, 3) confidence in one's own life, and 4) acceptance of life as it is. The results of the analysis showed that the presence or absence of support from parents, friends, and especially spouses was a major influence on these factors. Furthermore, the participants tended to view life positively if they had support during treatment, and pessimistically if they did not.
Are there other factors that influence this?
The same is true when a decision is made to terminate treatment. Infertility treatment can result in either childbirth or the woman's decision to give up on having a child. Depending on whether a patient has accepted the termination of this treatment or whether she still has regrets will strongly alter her attitude toward life afterward. Negative feelings increase due to the high cost of treatment. This is especially true when financial factors have led to the abandonment of treatment. However, since general infertility treatment such as artificial insemination and assisted reproductive technologies such as in vitro fertilization and intracytoplasmic sperm injection will be covered by insurance from April 2022, we are watching for any changes that this may cause in the future. Research has shown that various other events that occur during treatment can affect the psychological condition of the person concerned as much as 10 years after the conclusion of treatment. In the future, I would like to incorporate other measures to gain useful knowledge for those who are undergoing treatment and for those who still suffer psychologically after treatment has ended.
The goal is "to conduct research that is useful to others."
Your paper received Best Paper Award at an academic conference.
The paper "How Women Who Have Undergone Infertility Treatment Perceive Lives Without Children," which summarized the results of this research, received the Best Paper Award from the Japan Society for Reproductive Psychology. The acknowledgment of the need for this theme at this conference motivated me to undertake further developmental research.
Since the field I work in "deals with the human mind," I am always conscious that my research should be of use to others. As a researcher, I feel great joy and satisfaction if even one person says, "your work helped me." In the future, I would like to continue my research so that these psychological support techniques can be used to help realize a society in which women, with or without children, can live their lives to the fullest in all aspects, including in relation to female reproduction.
Best Paper Award Certificate by the Japan Society for Reproductive Psychology
A graduate school that has accumulated psychologist training skills
Please tell us about your graduate school of psychology.
There are two majors available to take: Psychology and Clinical Psychology. The Clinical Psychology major offers courses that qualify students to take the Certified Psychologist examination. We provide professional education in both research and practice so that we can provide psychological assessment, psychological interviewing, and other forms of support to those with mental health concerns. The university has produced many licensed psychologists and other psychology professionals, and many of its graduates are active in the psychology industry, particularly in the Kansai and Osaka areas.
What is your message to students and young people?
I myself am a graduate of Kansai University's Faculty of Letters. After graduating I went on to graduate school, worked as a counselor in the Student Counseling Room, and then as a part-time lecturer. This means that I have been at Kansai University for more than 30 years. As a university that has long been dedicated to the training of psychologists, our curriculum and practical training are enriched by the accumulated ingenuity and skills of our faculty.
In addition, the Psychological Service & Counseling Center, attached to the graduate school, is a counseling facility that is open to the community and independent of the campus. It is hard to find university facilities on a scale equivalent to this. This provides a great environment in which students can study. I would love to learn together with others who are interested in psychology and aspire to become psychologists.
With graduate students in the playroom of the Psychological Service & Counseling Center.Toy figures and sand box are tools used in Sandplay Therapy, a psychotherapy technique.
KOJIMA KOREKATA-KAN on Senriyama Campus, where the Psychological Service & Counseling Center is located.
Professor Kagawa playing golf with her dog