
研究最前線 No.69

滝沢 泰久 教授


Research on Network Engineering



Each small thing acts intelligently as part of a greater whole

Applying the power of networks using smartphones and robots


滝沢 泰久 教授

Faculty of Environmental and Urban Engineering

Professor Yasuhisa Takizawa


Have you ever been amazed by a school of sardines? An individual sardine is small, but upon forming a group, they act together like a single creature. Likewise, in the brain, an infinite number of neurons build a network in a similar way, which creates intelligence. One person who is attempting to apply the power of such a network to engineering is Prof. Yasuhisa Takizawa of the Faculty of Environmental and Urban Engineering.






Considering a network as intelligence

Tell us about your specialist area of research.

I specialize in Network Engineering. Of the three information processing fields—“Internet of Things (IoT),” “Big Data,” and “AI” —which have been progressing rapidly in recent years, network engineering is related to the IoT. It is a technology that collects information on the Internet through wireless networks by attaching sensors and wireless devices to various things such as automobile engines and bridge piers.
 A network has some characteristics such as being a transmission channel for data and a database. Taking a step further, we are conducting research from the viewpoint that "if it were possible to consider a network as intelligence, it would be possible to do a variety of things.” The brain stores daily experiences as memories via networks created by the neural system. A school of fish or a flock of birds is also a network that acts as a whole very intelligently.

A school of sardines changes its shape flexibly when a predator approaches, doesn’t it? It looks like a single creature.

An individual sardine can see only a small area. However, when sardines school up, they form a structure. A sardine is very simple and can get only a limited range of information, but they interact with one another as a whole and display an intellectual structure. That is the power of a network.

環境都市工学部  滝沢 泰久 教授






A system for capturing the positions of people and things

Tell us about the contents of your specific research field.

There are four pillars in our research. Of these, I will explain “self- organizing indoor localization” and “mobile sensing cluster using swarm intelligence,” which may be easy to understand.
 Self-organizing indoor localization is a system for identifying the movements of people and things at an event site or a factory. Recently, in the fields of the IoT and Digital Transformation (DX), it has been recognized that it is very valuable to identify the positions of people and things. For example, a shopping mall manages the flow patterns of people for sales promotions and a factory or construction site monitors the movements of workers for safety management. In addition, there are a lot of needs at hospitals, airports, and event sites; for example, there might be a need to accurately know the positions of patients who are hospitalized, customers who will board an aircraft, and visitors who have visited an event site.
 GPS is available at outdoor sites, but there is no decisive system available at indoor sites. If a method employs wireless devices and cameras, it is necessary to use many devices or to change the layout frequently, which may be costly and make the system difficult to maintain. For this reason, we have developed a system for identifying the positions of people and things without installing infrastructure equipment in advance for the positioning.

How does the system work?

When a target person uses their smartphone, a smartphone sends the following information to a server: which smartphone is located neighbor to the smartphone and the strength of radio signals received from the neighbor smartphone. From the information collected at the server, it is possible to identify the neighbor relationships of all smartphones, which makes it possible to establish a virtual network of smartphones on the server. However, the positions of the smartphones are unknown. Therefore, the network of the neighbor relationships of smartphones is random and unstructured. The information collected on the strength of radio signals between smartphones is repeatedly input to this random network. Through these repeated inputs, a structured network emerges autonomously from the unstructured network. In the structure created, the geometry (shape) of the network is reproduced, so it is possible to know the shape of the network. Therefore, it is possible to identify the positions of smartphones that compose the network. In other words, even if there is no infrastructure equipment for the positioning, it is possible to identify the positions of people when they gather. As I have described, a random, unstructured group gradually builds a structure by having individuals interact with one another, which is called self-organization.
 Self-organization in networks can be seen here and there in the natural world, in social activities, and in other areas. Celestial bodies interact with one another via gravity, which creates a logarithmic spiral network structure. When this mechanism is applied to human beings, it can work as follows: people who have just entered a college have no relationships with friends, but they gradually resonate with other people and build networks of human relationships. Similarly, business-to-business transaction networks in business activities, economic alliances among nations, and military alliances among nations are also actual examples of self-organization.





Disperse clusters, and searching for people who need help

Next, tell us about the mobile sensing cluster that uses swarm intelligence.

This research was born out of the idea that a school of fish and a flock of birds act intelligently, so robots would also be able to act in the same way by working together. We assumed a situation where people are buried under rubble due to a disaster such as an earthquake. We came up with a method for searching for people using many robots equipped with sensors that can detect human body temperatures.
 For example, suppose you search for a person using 50 robots. When a robot gets promising information, such as “a person might be buried around here,” it is efficient for several robots to search the neighborhood intensively together as a cluster. Such clusters would be created here and there. We think that a method for collecting information using many simple functional robots is more adaptable and scalable than a method using a single high-performance robot.




A soft network is "alive"

Networks are interesting, are they not?

A diversity-encompassed network can respond to changing situations. Human beings are diverse; for example, a certain group might play an active role in a certain situation, while another group might play an active role in another situation. In such a way, a group that plays an active role in a different situation is created spontaneously depending on the people who have gathered together. A diversity-encompassed network is the same.
 In information processing, there is a similar thought that optimization and convergence should be considered as virtues. However, a network that has been optimized for a particular situation cannot respond to changes and will die like a living organism. To adapt to changing situations at the right time, in a network, we aim to create a structure like a living organism via diversity and encompass flexibility by having the network change without making it converge, instead of optimizing it by narrowing down choices.
 However, a mechanism that imitates a living organism sometimes makes errors in judgment. In addition, we don't know what kind of structure the mechanism will create until the mechanism is actually operated. To what extent can the mechanism eliminate mistakes while maintaining a flexible structure? This is the most important issue in engineering applications. It is also a point that interests us.




Developing technologies that can be used in our society

What is the motto of your laboratory?

Research is not interesting if the goal is just to carry out research. The target we have set is to try to develop technologies that will be used in our society. Therefore, we try to visit technology exhibitions and contact various companies. Discussions at academic conferences are deep, but narrow in scope. At an exhibition, we can hear opinions from various people that we had never considered, and we can broaden our perspectives. There are also cases where we gain inspiration from an exhibition and consider whether or not to change the orientation of our research.
 Self-organization and swarm intelligence are mechanisms that can be seen in the natural world and in the social activities of human beings, and we think of them as profound themes for creating a structure and then changing that structure. Actions common to them are transitions and diversity. We have been conducting research that searches for these transitions and diversity, not for optimization and convergence.

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