
研究最前線 No.66

稲田 貢 教授


Research on physical properties of nanostructures



Why do substances have a luminescence when they are nanosized?

Elucidation and application of the scale of several to one thousand atoms


稲田 貢 教授

Faculty of Engineering Science

Professor Mitsuru Inada


Nanotechnology is a technology that handles substances in sizes expressed in nanometers. One nanometer is one billionth of one meter. It is a scale so small that, if a sphere with a diameter of one meter was expanded to the size of the earth, an object with a diameter of one nanometer would be the size of a button on a dress shirt. Surprisingly, properties such as luminescence that a substance does not conventionally exhibit start appearing when a substance is reduced to a nanosize. Professor Mitsuru Inada at the Faculty of Engineering Science is taking on the challenge of elucidating and applying this mystery.








Changes in optical properties, electrical conduction properties, and magnetic properties appear when a substance is made into a nanostructure

What is your specialty?

My specialty is condensed matter physics, which investigate the properties of substances. In particular, I study the physical properties of nanostructures. There are three major properties in substances, which are optical properties, electrical conduction properties, and magnetic properties. However, properties that are completely different from those of the substances that we see with our eyes start to appear when we look at them on the nanoscale. I continue to research how to apply these in the development of sensors and so on, having investigated why these different properties appear.

What properties appear when a substance is made into a nanostructure?

First, the greatest change we see in optical properties is that substances that do not emit light begin to glow. For example, silicon, which is a well-known semiconductor, emits light when it is made into nanoparticles (approx. 1000 atoms). And gold, a metal that shines by reflecting light, begins to glow when made into a nanoparticle comprised of approximately tens of atoms.
 The electrical conduction properties also change. While the famous Ohm's law indicates that a current flows in proportion to the voltage when a voltage is applied, it no longer holds when the substance is reduced to a nanostructure. It is no longer proportional but rather starts changing in steps.
 There is also a phenomenon seen in magnetic properties, where a substance that was not magnetic becomes magnetic.

Why do the properties of a substance change when it is made into a nanostructure?

The primary reason is that the electronic state in the substance change. Luminescence is a phenomenon in which the energy difference is emitted as light when the electrons move from a state that is high in energy to a state that is low in energy. The origin for electrical conduction is the migration of electrons, and the origin for magnetism is the motion of electrons. As described above, electrons play the main role in generating the physical properties. However, the electrons, which had moved freely, start losing the freedom to move as the size of the substance is reduced. This is the change in the electronic states. If we are the electrons, it is similar to how our mind changes when we are locked inside a locker after running freely on a field.
 Another reason is that properties of the substance surface appear when the substance is nanosized. While a network is formed inside a substance with atoms aligned in a regular manner and bound to one another by sharing electrons, the atoms on the outermost surface do not have others with which to connect. Therefore, they binds forcibly to other atoms such as moisture and oxygen in the air. The properties of the surface are therefore completely different from those of the inside.
 Since the ratio of atoms located on the surface is extremely small compared to the overall substance when the size of the substance is large, their unique properties disappear. When the size of the substance is reduced further and further, the ratio of the surface increases and the properties of the surface start appearing.
 Therefore, the properties of a nanostructure are sensitive to the size and surface. There are infinite variations, because the properties change when something is attached to the surface. If the origin of the properties indicated by a nanostructure can be elucidated, we may be able to design substances with the desired properties. This is one of the attractions of studying the physics of nanostructures.

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Diabetes judgment sensor using gold nanoclusters

Please tell us about the research being conducted at your laboratory, Professor Inada.

The luminescence of gold nanoparticles is sensitive to the size. When the size increases, it rapidly loses the luminescence. We developed a biosensor capable of determining diabetes by applying this result of our study. Gold nanoparticles are covered with protein and given the property to glow. The gold nanoparticles undergo a reaction if sugar is contained when it is mixed with pseudo blood in a test tube, which causes the protein to peel off and the nanoparticles to bind to one another and stop glowing. A high blood glucose level reduces nanoparticles and weakens the luminescence.
 We are also studying the magnetism of gold nanoparticles. Although gold does not have magnetic properties, the particle itself becomes a magnet when made into a nanoparticle. This property may be applicable in a cancer treatment called hyperthermia. We inject gold nanoparticles that are modified with proteins which bind to cancer cells into the body and apply an alternating current magnetic field. The gold nanoparticles, which have magnetic properties, are then thermally charged and locally attack the cancer cells that are sensitive to heat. Gold nanoparticles have the advantage of being modified with various different types of proteins.


metal nanocluster




Application in electricity storage

You have introduced applications in the medical field, but what about other fields?

We are also currently focusing on the field of electricity storage. Research and development of storage technology is necessary in order to effectively utilize the power generated using renewable energy that is being promoted, such as solar power and wind power. Electric vehicles will play a leading role in the future but face problems such as heavy batteries and long charging times. We are studying nanostructures that are suitable for electricity storage in order to develop solutions.
 Right now, we are studying nanosheets made of a combination of a transition metal and carbon or a transition metal and nitrogen. There are many different types of transition metals and many yet unknown combinations. The nanosheets have a large surface area and can be made to function as a storage battery with a large capacity if ions and electrons can attach to the surface. Since these nanosheets do not have to undergo reactions like lithium ion batteries, they can be charged instantly. As we continue to also study solar cells, as a researcher I am drawn to the potential of storage batteries.


Induction heating systems developed by students






Fascination with the mystery of electrons

What aspects of research do you find interesting?

I became a researcher because I was fascinated by the mystery of electrons. Electrons are very large factors that determine the properties of a substance, and they combine two conflicting properties of being particles and waves. There is what is called the measurement problem. The electrons behave like a particle when it is measured and a wave when it is not measured. I immersed myself in research after learning that I could experiment with this using semiconductor nanostructures. Because of this, I would like to be an electron when I am reborn.

What are your future aspirations?

As a researcher, considering the remaining time available for research at universities, I can only work on one or two major topics. Up until now, I have focused on basic research. Going forward, I would also like to conduct research with a view to its applications.