
研究最前線 No.64

後藤 健太 教授


Research on the Asian economy



Asia's growth dynamics and Japan's strategy shift from "selecting others" to "being selected"

The book received the Special Prize at the Asia Pacific Awards


後藤 健太 教授

Faculty of Economics

Professor Kenta Goto

長年、東南アジア、東アジアの経済発展をテーマに研究を続けてきた、後藤健太教授の著書『アジア経済とは何か 躍進のダイナミズムと日本の活路』(中公新書)が、第32回アジア・太平洋賞特別賞(一般社団法人アジア調査会・毎日新聞社主催)を受賞した。戦後アジアの経済発展をコンパクトに俯瞰し、さらなる変貌を遂げる将来を展望、日本の課題と希望を示した内容は、研究者のみならず企業人にとっても、示唆に富んだものになっている。

The book "What is the Asian Economy? Its growth dynamism and Japan's future" (Chuko Shinsho) written by Professor Kenta Goto, who has been conducting research on the economic development of Southeast and East Asia for many years, received the Special Prize at the 32nd Asia Pacific Awards (sponsored by the Asian Affairs Research Council and the Mainichi Newspapers). Offering a compact overview of economic development in post-war Asia and future outlook amidst the dynamically changing region, it outlines Japan's challenges and prospects, and provides important implications valuable for researchers as well as for businesspeople.







Emerging Asia and stagnating Japan

Congratulations on being presented with the Special Prize at the Asia Pacific Awards. Please tell us once again about your motivation for writing this award winning book.

I have been involved in research on the Asian economy for more than 20 years. Significant changes have occurred in Asia during this time, and I have seen Japan's relative economic position declining over the years.
My involvement with Asia started while I was working at a trading company. Whenever I visit countries such as Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, and Myanmar, I literally feel the dynamic changes that continue to reshape their economies and societies. Every country is moving full steam ahead. When I come back to Japan, however, the atmosphere can only be described as stagnant. The increasing awareness of this contrast motivated me to write a concise but comprehensive overview of the major and fundamental changes that is transforming Asia in the 21st century.

The subtitle of your book is, "Its growth dynamism and Japan's future." I feel that the phrase "Japan's future" implies that Japan is currently at a crossroads.

"Japan's future" in the subtitle in fact captures my main message of the book. The Japanese economy once had a role as a leader of post-war Asia, but it has since fallen into long-term stagnation. Currently, with China in the lead, ASEAN countries and others in the region are making significant progress, which in turn have eroded Japan's position. However, this book is not intended to over-alert readers and dismiss any hope for the future, but rather to suggest possible pathways in which Japan could further grow. The key message of this book is that by understanding the current situation, accurately identifying Japan's strengths, and then applying them to their fullest, we can avoid becoming "the boiling frog."

  • 『アジア経済とは何か 躍進のダイナミズムと日本の活路』(中公新書 2019年)

    『アジア経済とは何か 躍進のダイナミズムと日本の活路』(中公新書 2019年)
    "What is the Asian Economy? Its growth dynamism and Japan's future" (Chuko Shinsho 2019)

  • 第32回アジア・太平洋賞 特別賞

    第32回アジア・太平洋賞 特別賞
    Certificate of commendation for the Special Prize at the 32nd Asia Pacific Awards




Transfer of leadership in the global value chain

In your book, you argue that Japan must build new relationships with companies in Asian countries within the proliferating global value chains.

Who are leading global value chains, or international production networks that span national boundaries and regions? Japan at one time dominated this position in Asia that was based on its superior technology. Japanese companies were free to choose which companies from which countries would be the partners to make up their value chains.
However, as the region has transformed from a mono-polar structure with Japan at the top to a multipolar one in which different players from Asia started to take the lead, the proliferation of value chains have become increasingly dynamic. In addition, against the backdrop of technological changes such as digitalization and modularization, new sectors have emerged in which companies from other countries such as China and Taiwan as well as Malaysia, Thailand, and Vietnam have started to lead and coordinate value chains. Value chains configurated by companies from such Asian countries tend to operate under different modalities or philosophies from those of Japan, and as such it has become crucial for Japanese companies to adjust accordingly and to be selected as one of their valuable partners. Japan is not yet accustomed to accepting different ways of doing things and stepping out into different places. However, this is one of the major challenges that Japan must overcome. The reason for this is that while some of the sources of growth may still be found within Japan, many others now originate in foreign countries, particularly in China and those in Southeast Asia. In order to enter those markets and value chains, Japanese companies must have a particular "something" that allows them to be chosen as an indispensable partner.
At the 2018 Kansai Economic and Management Summit, Masayoshi Matsumoto, Chairman of the Kansai Economic Federation, said that the business community should "Look West." In the past, the Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad said "Look East," suggesting that Malaysia had to learn from the Japanese post war economic growth experience. Now is the time for Japan to learn from "the West." In other words, Japan's future possibilities are bound westwards, which is Asia.

  • 中国・深圳の華強北電子街(2019年)

    Hua Qiang Bei Electronics Market in Shenzhen City, 2019.

  • ベトナム・ホーチミン市の縫製工場(2011年)

    A garment factory in Ho Chi Minh City, 2011.

  • タイ・バンコクの都心部(2019年)

    Bangkok metropolitan area, 2019.

  • タイ・バンコクの国連会議センター

    The United Nations Conference Center,Bangkok.








Leveraging the greatest diversity of knowledge and skills in the world

Do Japanese companies have strengths which would lead to them being chosen?

Japan has consistently maintained the number one position in the world since 1980 in terms of the Economic Complexity Index (ECI), an indicator that measures the extent of productive knowledge in a country's economic system. The higher the diversity of individual knowledge, and the lower its ubiquity, the higher the figure and the country's economic potential. This suggests that Japan has the most diverse industrial knowledge and technology in the world. However, it also suggests that even though Japan has a solid base, it is not using it effectively. Why is that so? I believe it is because Japanese companies themselves are not aware of its value, and also because it is not yet able to adjust and make use of it in a contemporary context.
Japanese companies that have driven Japan's exceptional economic growth since the 1960s have put considerable value on their long-term, stable relationships with business partners. If such conventional Japanese business practices remain effective, it should be further strengthened. However, if we want to survive and further grow amidst a diversifying global economy, we must redefine and adjust Japan's strategies accordingly. Competitiveness based on superior technology and products will soon be eroded as the materials and components of those products can now be analyzed in a month or two by reverse engineering. As modularization accelerates, we must keep innovating. This is the competitive pressure that companies in Japan are now facing.

Wouldn't things change as the younger generation becomes more active?

I sometimes feel that Japan has not yet been able to break free from its past successes, and in this context I think that generational change would be of great help. The glory of the past has nothing to do with the younger generation, and I believe it will be those youth and children who can bring about innovation based on free and creative ideas to navigate Japan through this rapidly transforming Asia.
As such, I have written this book so that it would be intelligible to the younger generation so that a first-year college student could make sense of it without a dictionary, while trying to maintain its scope and depth of the particular issues. From my daily teaching experience, I see great potentials in those young students, and I hope that this book will be read by such young people who will be the future of Japan.

What are your own upcoming goals?

I want to do more research on the informal economy, on which the livelihoods of the majority of those in developing countries depend. While ample literature is already available on the informal economy, data is still limited and the actual situation is not yet well understood. What are the challenges of the informal economy under a rapidly globalizing economy, and where is it heading towards? Studying the informal economy requires a down-to-earth approach and is not easy, however I am looking forward to continuing my field work on this in Asia.

後藤 健太 教授